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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO TAKE GOOD PHOTOS By: J. Gomel."— Presentation transcript:


2 LIGHT Light is the most important! Side lighting
Best times: beginning and end of the day Light behind photographer Light behind the subject Patience and planning will pay off produces more interesting shapes and structures. To get more dramatic effects Will allow the details of the subject to be seen can create some interesting visual effects, but it is tricky to get right as details can be lost in the shadows.

3 COMPOSITION Naturally occurring lines Can imply certain feelings
Slanting lines imply movement Curved lines or S-shaped lines Converging lines imply depth Create a sense of rhythm Create a sense of direction using Direction and orientation of Lines action and change. imply quiet, calm and sensual feelings. , scale and distance for example, the outer edges of a road converge as it disappears into the distance, giving a two-dimensional image three-dimensional depth. Repetitive elements -- which is often more interesting if the rhythm is broken by a missed element.

4 COLOR Reds Contrasting colors Shades of the same colors
Color affects the way we look at pictures, so try to use color creatively in your shots. will create a warmer feel for your shots than blues or greens. such as red and green or yellow and purple, to add tension or drama. will create a sense of harmony

5 LANDSCAPE Keep horizons level
Keep the main points of interest AWAY from the center Use interesting angles Avoid empty space otherwise your shots will appear crooked. Many people mistakenly put the main points of interest in the centre of their photographs also should avoid putting them at extreme edges of your shots. Don't shoot everything from a standing position. …… by changing the camera positions. Try to ……. in your photographs.

6 PEOPLE Soft light Side lighting gives depth and form to your subject
A zoomed-in setting throws the background out of focus. Is good for photographing people ,You’ll get better skin tones with softer light (overcast days are good for this) As mentioned in the beginning side light is more interesting and also good for photographing people In this picture, soft light from a low sun lights the girl's face from the side, …. Putting the total focal point on the subject.

7 BEING READY Take lots of pictures Move around and experiment Be ready!
With digital they don't cost you anything. and give yourself plenty of choice. Stay alert for that chance-of-a-lifetime shot. In this picture, the golden eagle put its wing on the falconer for only a short time, and the falconer smiled for even less time!



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