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And how to resolve it….

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Presentation on theme: "And how to resolve it…."— Presentation transcript:

1 And how to resolve it…


3 How does conflict start?
Misunderstandings Different views Misdirected anger Frustration Irritation Power struggles

4 Why does conflict need to be resolved properly?
Avoiding conflict can just cause more conflict Impacts on your health You may get so tired of it you sacrifice the relationship and when it may have been simpler to solve than you thought.

5 How NOT to resolve a conflict…
Shout Scream Blame everyone else Don’t listen to anyone else Get violent Criticize Avoid

6 Where do I start? Get in touch with your feelings.
“An important component of conflict resolution involves only you - knowing how you feel and why you feel that way.” Learn to LISTEN. “When it comes to effective conflict resolution, how effectively we listen is at least as important as how effectively we express ourselves. It’s vital to understand the other person’s perspective, rather than just our own.” Make sure you know how you feel. Its not always obvious. You may be angry at something other than what you first thought. Try journaling, or processing your feelings with someone you trust. Listening is harder than you think. Seek to understand before you seek to be understood. Be humble. Listen without thinking of what you are going to say, Just hear them out.

7 I FEEL… Be assertive and honest (but polite)
“The important thing to remember is to say what’s on your mind in a way that is clear and assertive, without being aggressive or putting the other person on the defensive.” I FEEL… Don’t criticize the other person! Malcolm Gladwell airplane crashes example.

8 Seek a solution “Sometimes you can agree to disagree, other times you can find a compromise or middle ground, and in other cases the person who feels more strongly about an issue may get their way, with the understanding that they will concede the next time. The important thing is to come to a place of understanding, and try to work things out in a way that’s respectful to all involved.” Resolving a conflict is not about getting your own way. Its about the relationship. You need to decide what is more important, winning the argument or saving the the relationship.

9 "If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it
"If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. It's the hard that makes it great.” -- Tom Hanks, A League of Their Own Its not always easy, but its worth it. Friendships, dating, marriage, children etc

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