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2016 Exploration & Production Summer Standards Conference

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Presentation on theme: "2016 Exploration & Production Summer Standards Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 Exploration & Production Summer Standards Conference
Subcommittee 10 2015 Workgroup formed to address rewrite: January 17, 2017

2 Current Status of API Bulletin E3
Resides with API Washington – John Buflod, Bernard Fraboulet – for final editing January 17, 2017

3 The charge: Rewrite Bulletin E3 as a Guideline Document:
Well Abandonment Practices API Bulletin E3 An abandonment cementing and barrier placement guideline to reside with SC 10 Rewrite provides a guideline for the permanent and temporary abandonment of active and inactive wells: Provide a general approach and design considerations for well abandonment Placement of cement plugs - methodology Mechanical Barriers Protection of useable water and isolation of hydrocarbon intervals Does not discuss cement design Does not address specific regulatory requirements Not all inclusive. References to other API documents for detailed information January 17, 2017

4 Summary of progress in the rewrite:
Rewrite of API Bulletin E3 Group has now met 8 times since the charge Main changes to E3 Simplified existing well bore diagrams for different abandonment scenarios Reference to Standard 65-2 and other prescriptive documents Removal of Inactive Well Program (Appendix A) Removal of Inactive Well Worksheets (Appendix A) Removed Summary of Environmental Legislation and Regulations (Appendix B) Rewriting Glossary to be consistent with new document In DC with Bernard for final edit Once completed the report will be sent to publications committee After review the document will go to API for ballot. Should be completed by summer 2017 meeting Working currently with TG5 to apply some of E3 in the new well abandonment RP January 17, 2017

5 2016 Milestones Completion of document and delivery to Publications Committee before summer meeting 2017 Document goes to ballot before winter meeting 2018 January 17, 2017

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