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Political ideology typically determines a person’s party affiliation.

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Presentation on theme: "Political ideology typically determines a person’s party affiliation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political ideology typically determines a person’s party affiliation.

2 Democrats What’s the difference? Republicans

3 How much of a role should the government play?
The Central Question: How much of a role should the government play?

4 Democrats Typically Believe:
Greater government role to help solve societal and economic problems More direct support for those who cannot or will not care for themselves More public programs to assist society Increased regulations on business and economy More taxes to support government efforts A Little More Liberal

5 Republicans Typically Believe:
Less government involvement in society and economy Allow people the freedom to solve own problems and rely on each other Fewer government programs and regulations to encourage private growth Less taxes and a smaller government A Little More Conservative

6 Democrats Draw Support From:
Urban and rural areas Labor Unions, “unskilled” workers Generally people at the lower end of the socioeconomic ladder with lower educations Ethnic and Religious Minorities People who want some type of change

7 Republicans Draw Support From
Suburban areas Business professionals – managers and owners People at the higher end of the socioeconomic ladder White protestants People who like the “status quo”

8 They really have much in common:
Both parties are relatively “centrist” Parties are locally based Both parties desire strong economy and prosperity Both parties agree on protecting America and its foreign interests

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