Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/000 Thinking of studying a BTEC in Sport?

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1 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/000 Thinking of studying a BTEC in Sport?

2 Sport 1 Could you be the next…Matt Roberts? Launched Londons first exclusive one- to-one training centre in Mayfair - today he is one of the worlds most recognised fitness experts. Biggest one-to-one training company in the world having spent more than 500,000 hours working with clients Is a Fitness Presenter for BBC Breakfast News The Matt Roberts brand includes bestselling books and DVDs, a supplement range, sports equipment, the Matt Roberts Academy and a sportswear range

3 Thinking of studying a BTEC in Sport? In this presentation youll find 2

4 Working in the Sport Sector 1

5 Working in the Sport sector The Skills you need 4 Alongside your sport skills, youll need: Online research & using applications for presenting projects Developing business and customer awareness Organising and taking part in events Digital skills Business skills Communication skills I have inserted a new image, but cant find the artwork with the transparent line affect.

6 BTEC Sport What youll learn 5 Learn about about the components of fitness and the principles of training and explore different training methods Develop team working skills by organising and leading sports activities and events and carrying out a variety of roles in a team Investigate opportunities for employment in the industry, as well as exploring trends which effect participation in sport BTEC in Sport teaches the knowledge and skills you need to work in the industry

7 Why choose BTEC? 2

8 Why choose BTEC? 5 reasons 7 Recognised by schools, colleges, universities and employers Progress to further education, training and employment Practical, real-world approach to learning Assessment happens throughout the course 1 2 3 4 Present your work in a variety of ways 5

9 Your journey through education and training 8 Qualification Map BTEC Entry 3/Level 1 BTEC FirstsGCSE Levels 1 & 2 (Key Stage 4) BTEC NationalsA Levels (GCE) Level 3 (Key Stage 5) Further Education Higher Education BTEC Apprenticeships Employment BTEC Firsts can be studied as part of a broad and balanced curriculum, either alongside GCSE or as part of a Study Programme. After completing a BTEC First, learners can go on to study BTEC Nationals, A levels or a combination of the two.

10 Succeed with BTEC 9 Taking a Level 2 BTEC alongside five GCSEs adds 5.9 % more to earning power than just taking GCSEs. Every year over 100,000 BTEC students successfully apply to university in the UK. BTEC can boost your lifetime earnings by up to £92,000. Source: Statistics taken from Returns to BTEC Vocational Qualifications, London Economics (October 2010)

11 A real world approach to learning 10 BTECs let you present your work in a way that suits your style and makes the best of what you produce Carrying out practical demonstrations Giving verbal or online presentations Producing written reports, graphs or posters With BTEC, you'll be assessed throughout the course, on a range of assignments, rather than in one final exam

12 Where can BTEC take you? 3

13 Outstanding BTEC Sport Student – Aaron Monson 12 Aaron Monson Where next for Aaron? Completed a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport and Exercise Science and is currently studying a Level 3 Apprenticeship in Sport A qualified gym instructor, personal trainer, boxing and kick-boxing coach and sports massage therapist Aaronss BTEC Experience Working independently and as part of a team Visiting schools to talk about the positive impact sport has had on his life Inspiration for future work

14 BTEC Sport opens doors to careers as... 13 Coach Fitness Instructor Personal Trainer Centre Manager

15 Who can help me? 4

16 Talk to your teacher to find out more about BTEC in Sport Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/0015

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