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Test Taking Lecture 2 “Test Preparation”.

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1 Test Taking Lecture 2 “Test Preparation”

2 Some Test Taking Humor

3 The Importance of Preparing for Tests
Tests in college are reality—grades are earned, not given! Tests are 1 method of assessing your level of understanding & are checkpoints of your progress. The key element to reducing test anxiety is TO BE PREPARED!!

4 Preparing for Tests Make a 5-Day Time Manage- ment Plan to prepare for
major tests (see top of p. 6 of Packet). Combats procrastination & need for last-minute cramming Promotes distributed practice & review of material for test Allows for specific & realistic studying.

5 How to Set Up Your 5-Day Study Plan
REVIEW Final review of summary notes from Days 1-4 Set a time-line. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Days 1-4 for review of the groupings of information (usually grouped by textbook chapters) Day 5 for a final review of special summary notes compiled on Days 1-4 Work with your weekly time schedule when setting up this 5-Day Plan—this time MUST be set aside for test prep. & should not be used for other ongoing assignments.

6 The Steps Involved in Doing Your 5-
Day Study Plan Make summary notes/ paragraphs or summary flashcards on Days 1-4 & then use Day 5 to review them—Also, review them JUST before the test. After such hard work…plan a reward for yourself, and be sure to follow through on it. You’ll deserve it!!

7 Other Ways to Prepare Yourself for an Important Test…
Find out about the test. Some instructors will provide you with details about types of questions & number of questions. Previous students are also a source of info., but instructors have been known to change test formats.

8 Predict Test Questions
Are they T/F, Multiple-Choice, Matching, Fill-in-the-Blank, Short Answer, or Essay? First step is understanding kinds of test questions (see middle part of p. 6 of Packet). If you know test format in advance, you can use specific study strategies suggested at the bottom of p. 6 to better prepare yourself. Essay questions are harder to predict. Cover larger topics We’ll focus exclusively on essays in Lecture 5!

9 When Should You Start Preparing for Tests?
Set up a test study schedule at THE START OF A SEMESTER. Do daily reviews of class material. Early & frequent review gives facts time to take root in your memory. Each day you have class…do a short (10-15 minutes) pre- and post-class review of lecture notes. Do brief daily reviews when you read. Short reviews should be listed on your daily To-Do List!!

10 Continuing with Test Reviewing:
Do weekly reviews. 1 hour per subject Longer & more structured than daily reviews Review both assigned readings & lecture notes Practice answering possible test questions. Create and/or look over mind maps, summaries, or flashcards. Tools & Study Aids for Review: Summaries—main ideas, related ideas, supporting details Mind maps, cluster diagrams, flashcards, time lines, creating test questions, etc.

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