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1 Climate

2 What causes differences in Climate?
Think L O W E R N 1. L - Latitude. The further places are away from the equator the colder they are. The sun’s energy is more concentrated near the equator than it is at the poles. On the equator there is a lot of rainfall because the heat of the sun causes a lot of evaporation. This is why rainforests are found here – the equatorial climate.

3 But why do places on the same latitude have different climates?

4 2. O - Ocean Currents. Places that are near cold currents are often colder and drier than they should be. 3. W - Winds: If it comes from the sea it will bring moist air which will cause precipitation.

5 Distance from Sea and Effect of Ocean Currents
4. E – Elevation The higher above sea level you are, the colder it gets.

6 5. R - Relief The rainshadow effect brings more moisture to the windward side of a mountain. The leeward side of the mountain is often much drier.

7 6. N – Nearness to Water Large bodies of water have a moderating
effect on the climate. That means it doesn’t get as hot in the summer or as cold in the winter.


9 World Climate Zones

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