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Curiosity: the strong desire to learn or know something

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Presentation on theme: "Curiosity: the strong desire to learn or know something"— Presentation transcript:

1 Curiosity: the strong desire to learn or know something
Scientists ask questions and look for answers about the natural world


3 Honesty: being truthful
Scientists need to accurately report their experimental data and results Vaccine-Autism Link Archaeoraptor Lysenko’s Vernalization Process


5 Creativity: coming up with new ideas
Scientists come up with explanations about the natural world Engineers come up with solutions to specific problems We have a problem. We live in NYC. We want to produce food locally, but don’t have the space to do it. What do we do?


7 Open-mindedness: accepting new and different ideas

8 Skepticism: having an attitude of doubt
Scientists require evidence before believing something



11 Ethics: the rules people use to distinguish right from wrong
Scientists have to be careful not to damage the natural world Scientists should not perform experiments that are cruel.

12 Unbiased: not letting prejudice affect interpretation or observation
Scientists should not try to prove what they always believe is true Personal biases are based on a person’s likes or dislikes Experimental biases result from badly designed experiments that make certain results more likely

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