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Get your paper ready to write some notes down in your booklet

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Presentation on theme: "Get your paper ready to write some notes down in your booklet"— Presentation transcript:

1 Get your paper ready to write some notes down in your booklet
Y10 PSHEE day 5 – UCAS Timeline, Personal Statements and what advice would you give? RESOURCES: BOOKLETS Questionnaire for careers, please collect these in and hand back to HS as we need them for the careers meetings in September. Thank you. SEATING PLAN: You can move the tables as long as they return to the exactly the same as before. Get your paper ready to write some notes down in your booklet

2 Complete the Y10 Planning ahead Questionnaire, these need to be handed back to the teacher as they support the conversation you have with Carol James - Questionnaire is in your pack, there will be enough for one each. These are really important as they support the discussion that Carol has with them in September.

3 College and sixth form induction days
Careers Interviews start Assessment Week Open evenings – colleges and sixth forms UCAS Progress – personal statement to be started UCAS Progress – favourites to be chosen Careers interviews continue Assessment Week Data Track home Final deadline for UCAS progress applications Careers interviews Offers start to be received for places at college and sixth form GCSE Exam Information Evening Apprenticeship Event College and sixth form interviews continue Offers received for places at college Data track home Take exams College and sixth form induction days Prom Courses and apprenticeships start Sept Sept Nov Jan March May July Oct Dec Feb April June Aug Post 16 evening at school UCAS Progress account details given out Open evenings at colleges and sixth forms start Careers interviews continue PSHEE Day Tracking – predicted grades for application forms Extended track home UCAS Progress applications finalise Careers interviews continue Parents Evening Y11 Parents revision presentation Open days/evenings training providers College and sixth form interviews continue Offers received for places at sixth forms, college Exam Week PSHEE Day Revision Take exams College and sixth form induction days Exam Results Registration at college and sixth forms Animation - Please read through each section or leave it on the board to allow students to read through.

4 One main part of your UCAS application is to write and submit your personal statement. This is to promote you, your skills and qualities. EVERYONE has to write a personal statement – you are best starting it now and during the summer holidays so it isn’t too much when you start year 11.

5 In your booklets turn to the page with the line down the middle
Students need to turn to this page In your booklets turn to the page with the line down the middle

6 REMEMBER: Personal qualities: what you are like as a person. Skills: what you can do (physically and mentally). Best bits: all the positives you can write down about yourself. If you want to be more specific, write them down in different colours and this will help you later when writing your personal statement. BOOKLETS Animation Remind the students a basic stick man is acceptable. Reveal the hints on the right hand side. Allow student some time to write these. On the left hand side, draw a basic picture/outline of yourself and write down your personal qualities, your skills and best bits about who you are as a person.

7 Did you remember; extra curricular, enrichment, volunteering, any qualifications you have?
What skills do you receive from going to extra curricular or enrichment activities? Work experience outside of school Y10 prefect Supporting at parents evening Sporting competitions Team captain Helping out on transition days Go back to the other half of the paper. Write down the activities that you do and what you have taken from the experience. Remember its information that inside and outside of Tapton School or outside (now and in the past). Those that have complete Dofe there is lots of information you could write here. BOOKLETS Animation Hands up – ask students to say aloud what skills they have gained from doing their extra curricular/volunteering/enrichment. (you may need to remind a few about Duke of Edinburgh that they are completing. On the picture of themselves, get the students to use a different colour and add onto it what other skills they have gained from EXTENSION: Think about what you can do over the summer to build up on your skills and qualities.

8 Share a couple with the class!!
Think, Pair and Share With the person next to you, discuss the skills and qualities you have written down (can you add any more to what you have written?) Share a couple with the class!! (If you think you have that skill and quality but have written it on your paper… then write it down) Students to complete the slide. Hands up or you pick the students to share some of what they have written down. Encourage those that have little written down that they need to write notes from what they have heard.

9 PARAGRAPHS Give yourself a head start and complete a couple of paragraphs for your personal statement Paragraph 1 - In this paragraph you need to write about your personal qualities and what you are like. You also need evidence to back up what you say Paragraph 2 - In this paragraph you need to write about your attitude to schoolwork and school. You can also mention your involvement in other school activities such as choir, drama and sporting activities. What subjects do you enjoy? Why do you like them? What are you doing well in? Is there a piece of coursework that you have been particularly pleased with? What extracurricular activities have you done? BOOKLET BOOKLETS - They have two sections to complete in their booklets to help them.

Why else do we need to identify and work on our personal qualities and skills? For interviews! For writing your CV! To make yourself different from others when applying for colleges/6th form or apprenticeships and university! To get a job! Animation Ask the first question and get students first immediate response. Reveal the answers. Then put on the last questions, students to discuss with their partner and try to get an outcome. YOU NEED TO BE DIFFERENT! YOU NEED TO BE MEMORABLE! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO DO THIS??

11 We need to support others around us as well as ourselves …

12 What advice would you give?
Alex is in Year 11. She enjoys Health and Social Care, and English and is doing okay in Science and Maths, predicted to get grade 5 in all these subjects. Alex would like to become a nurse, and has always thought she would stay at school to do A levels in the sixth form. However, she does not enjoy exams, and prefers the continuous assessment of coursework throughout the year, rather than end of year exams. Alex has looked up the entry requirements for a Nursing degree at Sheffield Hallam University and seen that either A levels, or the full time level 3 diploma in Health and Social Care, which is offered at college, are both accepted for Nursing. Alex likes school, has some good friends who intend to stay on for the sixth form, and lives 10 minutes walk from school. On the other hand, the full time Health and Social Care diploma at college seems better suited to her preferred learning and assessment style. What should Alex do? ADVICE FROM CAROL JAMES You need to look through both routes equally, both offer access to Nursing, but through very different study and assessment routes. Students may well think they know lots about the sixth form because they are already at school, but both routes will benefit from Alex going along on Open evenings in the Autumn term to check out the college, the course, and the sixth form open evening. There are positives in both avenues but remember the A-levels are linear now so will be assessed at the end of the two years. I would advice Alex to make applications both to the sixth form, and to the college, so that she has offers from both to choose from, when she finally gets her GCSE results at the end of Year 11. Animation BOOKLETS They have a page in their booklet for the advice they would give Share a few of the advice as a class. Then reveal the information that Carol has shared.

13 What advice would you give?
Jack, is in Year 11. He is very able and does well in all his subjects, predicted to achieve grades 7/8 in all of them. He has been thinking about medicine for a career, for which he knows he should take A level Chemistry and Biology. However, he is also a talented artist and very good at Spanish, and because he is not 100% sure about medicine, he wants to keep Art and Spanish open as possible options after the sixth form. What should Jack do? ADVICE FROM CAROL JAMES This is about keeping options open. Therefore, Jack would benefit from doing some research into the career ideas he has, medicine, art/design, and how he can use a language – again, doing this research equally so that he can consider each route objectively. He would not be able to progress onto an Art/Design based degree without an A level in Art/Design, nor onto a Spanish degree without an A level in Spanish. If he sticks with the idea of medicine, he will not be able to keep both the art and Spanish going to full A level, as he will drop one at the end of Year 12, to ensure he has both Chemistry and Biology for the entry to medicine. Animation BOOKLETS They have a page in their booklet for the advice they would give Share a few of the advice as a class. Then reveal the information that Carol has shared.

14 What advice would you give?
Jordan is in Year 11. She has a dog, a cat and a hamster at home, for whom she has responsibility for looking after, and she likes helping out with friends pets also. She has been thinking about a career working with animals, possibly as a vet, or a veterinary nurse. Jordan gets on okay in most of her subjects and is hoping to achieve grade 4 in Core and Additional Science, and Maths as well as English. Jordan has looked at the A levels in the sixth form and noted that grades 5 and 6 are needed to progress into Science A levels. She has also visited the college to find out about the full time Animal Management diploma, which requires 5 x grade 4 including English and double Science, and the veterinary nursing apprenticeship which requires 5 x grade 4 including English, Maths and Science. What should Jordan do? ADVICE FROM CAROL JAMES Again, this is about Jordan researching all the options in depth, so that she has sufficient information about what the courses involve, how they are assessed, and what sort of practical work is involved – the college course has plenty of placements in different animal-related work environments. This will help her see which option may be best for her. She should definitely make applications both to the college and the sixth form, if she wants to have these choices available to her, when she gets her GCSE results at the end of Year 11. Though the Animal Management diploma at level 3 at the college is equivalent to 3 x A levels, in practice only one veterinary school accepts the diploma for entry to veterinary medicine – so A levels would be a better option if Jordan really wants to be a vet. However, the college diploma is fine for entry to veterinary nursing. The veterinary nursing apprenticeship is an attractive option, but students have to find a vet practice which will offer them a placement/pay them while they work and study, which in practice is very difficult. Animation BOOKLETS They have a page in their booklet for the advice they would give Share a few of the advice as a class. Then reveal the information that Carol has shared.

15 What advice would you give?
Lee really wants to be a barrister – people have told him he is good at arguing and he wants to put this special skill to work! He has looked into the training to become a barrister and found he will have to go to university before he can apply for the professional barrister training. Lee has found secondary school relatively easy and has never really applied himself seriously to his studies, getting by without revising and not always paying attention in class. However, he has just heard he has only achieved a grade 3 in English in his end of Year 10 exam. Lee would like a change of scenery for his post 16 studies and has found a sixth form college which offers an A level in Law though it will require him to take 2 buses from his house to get there. He’s also found a full time Public Services diploma at level 3, which can prepare people for a career in the police, which also interests him. However, he could not do both the A level in Law and the Public Services diploma. He does not know what else he might study as well as the A level Law, if he did choose to take this route. What should Lee do? ADVICE FROM CAROL JAMES Lee needs to do some research into what a barrister does (it is not all about arguing, and he will need to be able to read a vast amount of information and then use the information to write up opinions and prepare questions for court). He also needs to consider what independent study skills he will have to acquire, to be able to cope with A levels (including how to revise effectively), and to compare the A level way of study and assessment with the diploma model at college for the Public Services course which will have much more coursework and practical assessment in it. However, he should also look to see how legal firms consider the college diploma for entry to barrister training compared with A levels, even though he would be applying after he has been to university – legal firms still look at actual A levels studied and grades obtained. The college diploma will be fine for entry to a degree at university. Law at A level is not required for entry to a Law degree, and potential barristers do not have to study Law as an undergraduate – they can do another subject then do a one year graduate diploma in law. Animation BOOKLETS They have a page in their booklet for the advice they would give Share a few of the advice as a class. Then reveal the information that Carol has shared.

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