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Animal Farm Work.

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1 Animal Farm Work

2 Animal Farm Summary CHAPTER 1 1 _____________________ is the ________________ owner of Manor Farm. 2 Old Major is a ______________ who wants to teach the animals about________________________________________________________________________________________. 3 He blames all of the animals’ misery on ________ oppression. 4 The only way to fix the problem is ____________________, but first, all animals must be _________________. 5 This would create a _(vocab from notes)_ , which means an imaginary place where everything is perfect or ideal. 6 The animals must never ________________________. 7 Together, the animals sing _________________________. 8 The events in the book symbolically parallel the historical events in ________ during the first half of the 1900’s. 9 Using animals in an ___(vocab from notes)_ gives the reader an opportunity to see parallels and _________ connections with the Russian Revolution.

3 CHAPTER 2 Summary Old Major dies. For 3 months, the animals__________________________________________________________. It becomes obvious that the farm now represents __________________________, Old Major is a representation of ___________ (a ton) & ________________ (a little). ____________________ & _____________________ take the lead. Unfortunately, these pigs move away from ___________________ and more toward ________________________. Thus, Snowball becomes __________________ and Napoleon becomes _____________________. Their new philosophy is called ________________________ and they call one another ____________________. Finally, the animals achieve ____________________ and drive _________________________________________________________. Animalism has 7 ___________________________, which they paint on the side of the ____________________. Orwell acknowledges the ______________________ of the working class and shows his _________________ for it. This is shown in the scene where the animals _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________.

4 Chapter 3 Summary The animals start the great task of __________ the farm. The _______ supervise. Things seem to be going _______. This, of course, is just the set up for ________. Boxer, it turns out, is a huge asset. He's big, and not particularly ______, but he works ______er than everyone else. In fact, to emphasize this point, he walks around all day repeating, "I will _____ _________" over and over. Mollie the ____, however, is extraordinarily lazy. She also has this odd obsession with wearing _________. The _______ try to educate the farm animals, only to find that their students are better at manual ________ than thinking or learning. To make things easier, the ________ ___________ get condensed to a single maxim: “______ legs _______, two legs ________." The pigs are taking the _____ and ______ every day. As the leaders, they have to maintain their ________. They don't even like  _______ and apples.

5 Chapter 4 Summary We are introduced to Mr. ________ and Mr. _________. Each owns one of the neighboring ________. But it's not really working. The neighboring humans are worried that their animals will _________ up (revolt) if they don't squash Animal Farm. Snowball prepares the animals for the impending invasion of the ______s. During the battle, there are some minor casualties (animals that don't really matter, like _______) and _________ is wounded.  _________ thinks he ________ a man and feels super guilty about it (the stable-lad was only temporarily knocked out though, so he ends up being fine). ___________ gets a prize. Rather, he gives himself a prize: "Animal Hero, First Class."

6 Chapter 5 Summary _________ has been flirting with one of the men on the neighboring ________ in return for superficial things like ___________ and ribbons. Then she abandons the farm altogether. Snowball and _________ start fighting with each other. ____________'s speeches are better, but Napoleon is a smooth talker. When Snowball makes plans for a _____________ for the farm, Napoleon ___________ on them. _________ pops back up again to say that life is terrible either way, windmill or no windmill. Snowball’s _________ about the windmill is better. But before the vote, Napoleon brings in his private army of _________ now all grown-up. The __________ chase Snowball out of the farm. Napoleon ______ by default and decided to build the ________ after all.

7 Chapters VI and VII 1. Why does Napoleon decide to engage in trade with the neighboring farms? 2. How do animals react? How does Squealer convince them that the trade is okay? 3. How is the windmill destroyed? Why does Napoleon blame Snowball? 4. Why does Napoleon order that the hens’ eggs be sold? 5. How does Napoleon react when the hens rebel against his orders? 6. Why does Napoleon revive the threat of the farm being sabotaged by Snowball? 7. Explain why the animals confessed to being traitors. Or is there any explanation? 8. What purpose might Napoleon have for conducting public executions? How does his decision add to the characterization of him? 9. Why does Napoleon order the animals to stop singing “Beasts of England?”

8 Copy the following word and definition into your Reading Notes.
Scapegoat: a person who is blamed for the mistakes or imperfections of others

9 Question: Based on the what we have read in Animal Farm, who can you infer is the scapegoat of the novel? EVIDENCE TEXT SAYS… What parts of the text help you answer the question? PRIOR KNOWLEDGE I KNOW… What do you know from your own personal experience / knowledge of the text? INFERENCE I CAN INFER... Now, answer the question. Copy a quote. End your quote with a PC (Orwell pg) Explain your quote. Personal Example: Example from book: I can infer __________ is the scapegoat in Animal Farm.

10 1. Choose one of Lenin’s quotes to copy and explain. 2. Based on all three of his quotes, describe what type of leader he was. 2. It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed Vladimir Lenin 3.

11 Choose one of Stalin’s quotes to copy. Explain the quote.
3. Based on both of his quotes, describe what type of leader he was. 2. 1..

12 Czar Nicholas II – poor leader; cruel, sometimes brutal with opponents; sometimes kind – hired students as spies to make money Karl Marx – invented Communism;“workers of the world unite”and take over government; dies before Russian Revolution Leon Trotsky – other leader of “October Revolution,” pure communist – followed Marx; wanted to improve life for all in Russian; chased away by Lenin’s KGB Joseph Stalin – “devil genius,” not a good speaker, not educated like Trotsky; twenty-five year reign of fear in Russia

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