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Fahrenheit 451 Symbolism.

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1 Fahrenheit 451 Symbolism

2 Hearth Fireplace Represents home and family

3 Any of various small lizard like amphibians of the order Caudata, having porous scale less skin and four, often weak or rudimentary legs. A mythical creature, generally resembling a lizard, believed capable of living in or withstanding fire. In the occult philosophy of Paracelsus, a being having fire as its element. An object, such as a poker, used in fire or capable of withstanding heat. A mass of solidified material, largely metallic, left in a blast-furnace hearth. A portable stove used to heat or dry buildings under construction. salamander

4 A bird in Egyptian mythology that lived in the desert for 500 years and then consumed itself by fire, later to rise renewed from its ashes. A person or thing of unsurpassed excellence or beauty; a paragon. A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Tucana and Sculptor. phoenix

5 FIRE Instant “cure” for wrongs Panacea for all problems

6 Clarisse Individuality Spirit of the individual “Anti-social”

7 Poisoned, replaceable blood
Empty lifelessness of countless others like Mildred

8 Mildred Conformity Loss of spirit – remember when she tried to commit suicide

9 Parlor Walls TV = life control

10 Mechanical Hound Shape and actions reflect the society
Threat of technology and progress

11 Centrifuge Life’s speed slinging out unimportant
information – separating the accepted and unaccepted Stand back from it or you will be hurt – don’t get involved

12 A utensil of wire mesh or closely perforated metal, used for straining, sifting, ricing, or puréeing. Our brains can’t hold everything sieve

13 Beatty “the man” – government’s hand Pessimism Cynicism
For him, books are contradictory and confusing for people

14 Faber Intellectualism Calls himself a coward

15 Self reflection Mirror

16 Granger Intellectualism Realistic hope

17 Montag Hope for a new beginning Goes from fireman to book person

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