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Fahrenheit 451 Symbols.

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Presentation on theme: "Fahrenheit 451 Symbols."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fahrenheit 451 Symbols

2 “The Hearth and the Salamander”
When the symbol occurs in the novel: Part One Explanation of symbol: Hearth= symbol of home, positive fire. Salamander= ancient belief they live in fire and be unharmed by it. What it represents: Positive fire, Montag like a salamander, firetrucks were called salamanders

3 “The Sieve and the Sand”
When the symbol occurs in the novel: Part Two, when Montag reading Bible in subway. Explanation of symbol: Montag recalls a childhood memory where a cousin challenged him to fill the sieve with sand. What it represents: Sand = the truth Montag seeks in books, understanding the reading. Sieve= how impossible it was to grasp in any permanent way.

4 Blood When the symbol occurs in the novel: When Mildred overdoses, they replace her blood Explanation of symbol: Blood is an vital part of people’s body. It gives life, but can also show their damaged bodies. What it represents: Her poisoned, replaceable blood represents the empty lifelessness of Mildred and the other people like her.

5 The Phoenix When the symbol occurs in the novel: Granger compares mankind to a phoenix after the bombing of the city. Explanation of symbol: a phoenix is a mythical bird that builds a nest and ignites in flames at the end of its life. When it dies, it is reborn from its own ashes What it represents: The rebirth of mankind after nuclear war & Montag’s rebirth after his changes throughout the novel.

6 Mirrors When the symbol occurs in the novel: Montag calls Clarisse a mirror in Part One. At end of book, Granger says they must build a mirror factory to truly look at themselves. Montag imagines Mildred seeing herself in mirror as bomb drops. Explanation of symbol: Mirrors reflect the exact image they see. What it represents: They represent being able to see things clearly and self-reflection

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