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MINATURA2020 How to use the survey

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Presentation on theme: "MINATURA2020 How to use the survey"— Presentation transcript:

1 MINATURA2020 How to use the survey


3 For filling in the survey, please, register.
Please, read the instructions.

4 Ranking: filling in the survey
Summary: view all results User: your personal data The instructions are always available.

5 } Topics of the survey

6 Click here for filling in the survey.

7 1: completely disagree 2: disagree 3: no opinion 4: agree 5: completely agree You can write comments Further subtopics Continue the survey/ Choose another topic Don’t forget to save.

8 With your username and password you can continue the survey any time.
Click here to log out Click here to edit Choose another topic to fill in (Ranking) or see the results (Summary) With your username and password you can continue the survey any time.

9 Thank you for filling in the survey

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