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Register Online Helpdesk By: Linda Leow. Axis Home Page Click on the Support link Go to Axis Home Page.

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Presentation on theme: "Register Online Helpdesk By: Linda Leow. Axis Home Page Click on the Support link Go to Axis Home Page."— Presentation transcript:

1 Register Online Helpdesk By: Linda Leow

2 Axis Home Page Click on the Support link Go to Axis Home Page

3 Click on the Online Helpdesk Online Helpdesk Link

4 Click on Register in MyAxis Register MyAxis

5 Continue register MyAxis Personal Information:  Please note that all asterisk ( * ) must be filled by the user.  Type in the valid email address, e.g.  Input your desire password and also the confirm password box too.  Type in your First name and your Last name.

6 Continue register MyAxis Profile Information:  Check those boxes that you are interested to receive information from Axis. Company Information:  Please note that all asterisk ( * ) must be filled by the user.

7 Continue register MyAxis Business Information:  Please note that all asterisk ( * ) must be filled by the user.  Lastly click on the “Submit” button and the user can start using the Online Helpdesk to submit issues.

8 Ready to Login to MyAxis Type in the email address. Type in the Password. Click on the “Login” button.

9 Submit Issues through MyAxis Click here to submit new case

10 Continue Submit Issues through MyAxis  Product Category: User has to choose the closer category.  Product: User has to choose the reported camera model.  Input the Problem Area, Problem Summary and the Problem Description.  Lastly click on the “Submit Question” button. COMPULSORY to attach SERVER REPORT of AXIS unit.

11 Thank You

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