Koreas A Land of Opposites.

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Presentation on theme: "Koreas A Land of Opposites."— Presentation transcript:

1 Koreas A Land of Opposites

2 Common Cultural Characteristics
Invasions throughout history Borrowed from Chinese culture writing system Language Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism

3 At end of WWII, USSR occupied North Korea and USA occupied South Korea
USSR established communist gov’t in North Korea 1949: US withdrew from south 1950: North Korea launched a surprise attack on South Korea USSR and China supported North Korea US and UN supported South Korea Fought for 3 years Korean War

4 Korean War Results: Why was it fought? 4 million people died
Cease-fire agreement in 1953 at 38N parallel – still in effect today Demilitarized zone Still divided and hostile Why was it fought? The goal of North Korea attacking South Korea was to unite the two countries as a single communist country.

5 North Korea Today 23 million people Continental climate – cold
Lower population density Rural Continental climate – cold Mountainous and rugged Hydroelectric power Resource poor

6 North Korea Today Agricultural economy Isolated, secretive Communist
Low standard of living since 1991 (fall of USSR) Kim Jong-un Withdrew from Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1993

7 South Korea Today 47 million people
¼ population in Seoul Densely populated Climate mild because of surrounding water Less mountainous, plains More arable land

8 South Korea Today Industrialized Nuclear energy
Economic growth with international trade Exporter of textiles, automobiles, electronics

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