The Enlightenment.

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Presentation on theme: "The Enlightenment."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Enlightenment

2 The Enlightenment A movement that developed in Europe Thinkers believed education would solve society’s problems Focused on the relationship between government and the people being governed.

3 John Locke Believed in natural law
These laws were not passed by governments, but were rules that all societies followed (common sense laws) Guaranteed each of us the right to life, liberty, and property Believed in the idea of a social contract People agree to cooperate as a community Community agrees to obey the ruler Ruler agrees to protect the people

4 Montesquieu He saw the dangers of a government ruled by one person
Wrote that power in government should be divided into 3 branches Separation of Powers

5 Influence on American Government
Our Founding Fathers used the ideas of natural law, social contract, and separation of powers to create the system of government in the U.S. Constitution

6 Types of Government

7 Who Rules? There are many different forms of government
Some have one leader who has all control Others give power to the people

8 Direct Democracy (all citizens vote and are involved)
Who Rules? ALL Democracy Direct Democracy (all citizens vote and are involved) Representative Democracy (citizens elect leaders to represent them) FEW Oligarchy ONE Monarchy (King/Queen) Dictatorship (one leader has absolute control) NONE Anarchy

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