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Learning Goals: I will:

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Goals: I will:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Goals: I will:
4. Complex Knowledge: demonstrations of learning that go above and beyond what was explicitly taught. 3. Knowledge: meeting the learning goals and expectations. 2. Foundational knowledge: simpler procedures, isolated details, vocabulary. 1. Limited knowledge: know very little details but working toward a higher level. I will: understand the properties of different types of galaxies. understand how the universe came to be what we observe today. understand how astronomers use astronomical objects (standard candles) as a distance ladder to estimate the size of the universe and to measure large distances in the universe. understand how astronomers determine the age and size of the universe?.



4 Hubble’s Constant Lab

5 READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!!!!! I cannot stress this enough!

6 Today Step 2 “Choosing your galaxies” Step 3 “Finding the Velocity”
Re-read the Introduction for step 2, then read step 3 (on page 4) Finish Step 1 if you didn’t yesterday Step 2 “Choosing your galaxies” Read the procedure to figure out how to correctly choose which galaxies to use Step 3 “Finding the Velocity” Read the Procedure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It wont be that hard if you just read the directions completely like I asked! Start with the FIRST line of instructions, and work your way through them one after another I will not answer questions that are answered in the instructions!


8 These should be done today!

9 Section 2 Pick your 15 spiral galaxies Some are already picked for you
Some are already thrown out for you

10 Section 3 This looks trickier than it is READ THE INSTRUCTIONS
It is all either: subtraction, addition, division or multiplication READ THE INSTRUCTIONS IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS

11 If you need help understanding this part…re-read the FYI about Redshift of Spectral Lines from Wednesday


13 -You should have these filled in by the end of today
-You should have these filled in by the end of today. -If you do not…you have to go home, turn on a computer, and complete this over the weekend as homework!!!! -Step 3 has to be finished today, we are doing step 4 Monday!!!!

14 Go to the “Procedure” And Read “Step 2: Selecting your galaxies
When you are done reading, you can begin working

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