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Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA

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1 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA

2 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
School bullying has long been a problem. As far back as schools go, there have always been children who have found pleasure in making life miserable for other students.

3 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
The general consensus is that about 25% of students are victimized by bullies at school. Of those victimized, about 77% are bullied verbally and physically, while about 43% have been bullied online

4 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
Bullying is present when there is a use of force or pressure in order to abuse or intimidate others.

5 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
Bullying can be defined as undesirable, aggressive conduct among children that includes a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is or has been repeated over a period of time. Bullying is not a mistake. It is an actual intent of violence that the bully repeats repeatedly.

6 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
Bullying is something that occurs everywhere now. It used to be limited to physical face to face encounters, but now it has spread to the internet and social media. Internet bullying is some of the worst bullying that occurs.

7 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
According to the Bullying Statistics website, about 77% of the bullying cases in schools is verbal bullying. This includes: Spreading rumors Making derogatory remarks Yelling obscenities Name calling Teasing

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Effects of verbal bullying include: Low self-esteem ~ Depression Anxiety ~ Suicidal thought Victims often experience long-term negative effects because the injuries to their ego and mind can often last much longer than physical wounds.

9 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
One of the biggest problems in the bullying world is those children who are different. 85% who identify as being homosexual or bisexual. 64% for the way they present themselves, especially if it is against the social norm.

10 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
The most serious potential outcome from continued bullying is the prospect of victim suicide. Suicide among adolescents is the only demographic showing a substantial, continuing growth in the suicide rate.

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Bullying was accepted into society in the past. Not anymore. People are being more and more exposed to the actual impact bullying has on individuals. Teens have been bullied to death.

12 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
Cyberbullying is the fastest growing and perhaps the most seriously threatening form resulting in suicide. A personal, physical threat is decidedly ugly, but a threat to one’s social well-being in the context of a school-age peer group demographic may be even more threatening.

13 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
As many as 70% of students state they have witnessed bullying behavior. With this many students witnessing the behavior, it stands to question why more of them aren’t taking the steps to stop the bullying. When someone intervenes with the bullying behavior, it stops within 10 seconds about half the time.

14 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
Bullying can be Deliberate / Intentional Accidental / Unintentional Directed toward an individual or a group

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What can YOU do?

16 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
Respect Each Other! Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA Don’t be a bully! Don’t allow others to bully you! Don’t watch others bully!

17 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
Everyone has a unique set of Ideas Thought processes Values

18 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
What do you do if you offend someone? Apologize and never let it happen again.

19 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
What do you do if someone offends you? Tell the person that it bothers you! Tell the person to stop.

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If it continues, tell an adult… Tell a parent, a teacher, guidance counselor or anyone that you trust.

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These behaviors are against school rules and many are also against the law.

22 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
How do you keep from being bullied? Hang out with friends Join groups who like the same things Walk to school with someone Avoid bullies—stay away from them Stay within the sight of adults: parents, teachers, bus drivers Do not act scared- keep your head up and be confident Stay calm-bullies want you to react Ignore the bully and walk away Tell someone so it stops

23 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
Testing your Bully I.Q. Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA 1. Sometimes, people who are bullied are “asking for it”. FALSE- no one ever deserves to be bullied 2. The best way to handle bullies is to bully them back. FALSE- Sinking to bully tactics will only make things worse

24 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
Testing your bully I.Q. 3. You have the right to feel safe at school TRUE- You don’t have to live in fear 4. Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself and fight a bully FALSE- fighting will only cause more problems

25 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
Testing your bully I.Q 5. Adults can be bullies too. TRUE- anyone can be a bully 6. All bullies hit, push, or attack others. FALSE- bullying includes ignoring others, teasing, hurtful words, and many others

26 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
Testing your bully I.Q. 7. People bully others because they have problems of their own. TRUE- most bullies feel angry, upset, or frightened about their own lives 8. You can help someone else who is bullied. TRUE- You can help by talking to a teacher or an adult.

27 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
Testing your bully I.Q. 9. Bullying is just part of growing up. FALSE- Bullying is not acceptable! 10. Telling an adult about a bully will only make the bully worse. FALSE- Telling someone is the first step toward solving the problem.

28 Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA
Remember to Respect Each Other! Judith Taylor.Technology tools.5AA Don’t be a bully! Don’t allow others to bully you! Don’t watch others bully!

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