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Technology Mrs. Huddleston

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Mrs. Huddleston"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Mrs. Huddleston
Computer Ergonomics Technology Mrs. Huddleston

2 Huddleston - Ergonomics
What is ergonomics? Definition: applied science devoted to comfort, safety, and efficiency in the work place. Huddleston - Ergonomics

3 Huddleston - Ergonomics
Why study ergonomics? Increased risk of acquiring Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) A class of injuries that results from repeated small movements in joints, tendons, and nerves. Describes how the injury was sustained rather than what the injury is (e.g. sports injury) RSI is not, in itself, a medical diagnosis. RSI is almost always occupational in origin.   Huddleston - Ergonomics

4 Associated RSI Injuries
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Tendonitis Bursitis Writer’s Cramp Arthritis is NOT RSI because arthritis is not a work-related injury. It is most often a genetic disorder or occurs as your body ages. Huddleston - Ergonomics

5 Huddleston - Ergonomics
RSI Symptoms Numbness Tingling Sharp pain or dull ache Weakness Loss of grip Restricted movement of limbs Huddleston - Ergonomics

6 Primary RSI Risk Factors
Ergonomically unsound workstation Prolonged periods of work without adequate breaks Sustained overuse from too much repetitive movement Poor posture Excessive workload Patterns of work in a cold working environment Huddleston - Ergonomics

7 Guarding Against RSI- Tablet User Disclaimer
Tablets and laptops by nature violate basic ergonomic requirements in that the screen and keyboard are not separate. Using a tablet/laptop is often a trade off between poor neck/head posture and poor hand/wrist posture. Huddleston - Ergonomics

8 Ideal Workstation Setup
Huddleston - Ergonomics

9 Huddleston - Ergonomics
Non-Ideal Posture Huddleston - Ergonomics

10 Proper Wrist Placement
Keep wrist straight and level. This position keeps extra pressure off muscles, tendons, and nerves in your wrist and hands. Huddleston - Ergonomics

11 Improper Wrist Placement
(1) Flexing, (2) Extending, and (3) Twisting your wrist can strain muscles, nerves, and tendons. Huddleston - Ergonomics

12 Relieving Muscle & Joint Stress
1 hour at computer = 3-5 minute break Stretch neck, shoulder and wrist muscles Get up and walk around Use a separate keyboard Blink often Computer users blink 3-5x less than normal when looking at a screen. This causes the eyes to dry out and become irritated. Huddleston - Ergonomics

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