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Today! Please get out your chart of British Policies and Colonial Reactions from Monday.

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Presentation on theme: "Today! Please get out your chart of British Policies and Colonial Reactions from Monday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today! Please get out your chart of British Policies and Colonial Reactions from Monday.

2 British Acts and Colonial Reactions
Cause and Effect

3 The Navigation Acts (1650) Colonists were required to transport goods only on British ships Certain goods (sugar, tobacco, indigo, furs) could only go to England. Imported goods must be purchased from England or pay taxes in British port if purchased from a foreign nation. Purpose: To make England a wealthy nation

4 The Navigations Acts (1650)…
COLONIAL REACTION: -many colonists ignored these laws. Smuggling was prominent. BRITISH RESPONSE: - Passed Sugar Act and Writs of Assistance

5 After the French and Indian War
Pontiac’s Rebellion Proclamation for 1763

6 Britain’s Empty Treasury
WARS COST MONEY How about the colonies?

7 Proclamation of 1763 Forbid settlement west of Appalachian Mts.
Colonists defied the Proclamation and moved West anyway British forcibly removed some settlers

8 Currency Act 1764 British: took control of the currency system
money could only be obtained through trade regulated by Britain Reaction: Colonists were upset, created money problems for them Outcome: Resented by the colonists, was a contributing factor in the upcoming revolution

9 Sugar Act (1764) Lowered tax on sugar/molasses
Would send suspected smugglers to England for trial This law was an attempt to stop smuggling by lowering the tax and give the British government the tools to crack down on smugglers.

10 Sugar Act (1764) Colonists Reaction:
Took away their rights of trial by jury Taxation with representation was guaranteed to them as English subjects. No representation = no taxes

11 Stamp Act (1765) Placed a tax on almost all printed materials.
It was attempt to raise $$$ for Britain.

12 Stamp Act Crisis (1765) Brought a sense of unity to the colonies.
boycotted trade with England Sons of Liberty started Stamp Act Congress

13 The Stamp Act Congress Drew up petitions, or letters, to King George III and to Parliament. They called for a boycott (to refuse to buy certain goods or services) of British goods The boycott took its toll, trade fell off by 14%. British merchants and workers suffered. Finally, in 1766 Parliament repealed (cancelled) the Stamp Act

14 Townshend Acts (1767) Placed taxes on glass, paper, paint, lead, and tea brought into the colonies. The Townshend Act was an effort by England’s new Finance Minister to tax the colonies “without offense”.

15 Townshend Acts (1767) Colonists Reaction: Boycott of British goods
Daughters of Liberty took part

16 Why Were the Colonists So Angry?
People in Britain were shocked at the uproar in the colonies. Britain had spent a great deal of $$$ protecting the colonists from the French British paid 26 TIMES the taxes of the colonists!

17 No colonial representation in Parliament = No British taxes
Here’s Why… Britain taxing the colonies went against the long-established British principle of no taxation without representation (see Magna Carta 1215) ONLY the colonists or their elected representatives had the right to pass taxes No colonial representation in Parliament = No British taxes Colonists were willing to pay taxes passed by colonial legislatures

18 New Acts

19 Declaratory Act (1766) The Declaratory Act repealed the Stamp Act but also asserted British authority to tax the colonists in “all cases whatsoever”. King George and Parliament reasserted power over the colonies in all cases whatsoever However...the colonists mostly ignored it

20 Quartering Act Colonists were required to house and feed British soldiers whenever needed Reaction: Increased resentment over having soldiers in their homes, having to provide for them Led to conflict, eventually expired in 1767

21 Boston Massacre

22 Boston Massacre 1770 Colonists protesting Townshend Acts Deadly riot
5 colonists were killed Outcome: used as propaganda by colonists

23 Tea Act (1773) Kept the tax on tea and gave the East India Company a monopoly over the American tea trade. The British kept the tax on tea to show the colonists it still had the right to tax them.

24 Tea Act (1773) In response to the Tea Act the colonials:
Sons of Liberty staged Boston Tea Party Outcome: King was angry; Passed the Intolerable Acts

25 Intolerable Acts (1774) Coercive Acts
These acts were meant to punish Boston for the Boston Tea Party 1. Closed Boston harbor Limited town meetings to 1 per year 3. British soldiers could be placed in colonial homes

26 Intolerable Acts (1774) Colonists sent supplies to aid Boston; Boycotted British goods; First Continental Congress Urged colonies to raise and train a militia Outcome British sent more troops to Boston

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