First Nations Launch Rocket Competition 2019

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Presentation on theme: "First Nations Launch Rocket Competition 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 First Nations Launch Rocket Competition 2019
November 6, 2018

2 Meet the Team Wisconsin Space Grant Foundation
Kevin Crosby, Director Christine Bolz, Assistant Director Lisa Crumble, Office Manager ) Frank Nobile, Administrative and Technical Coordinator, Wisconsin Tripoli ) Mark Abotossaway, Project Assistant, Boeing ) (Alumni) Connie Engberg, Liaison Tripoli Rocket Association Bob Justus, Illinois ) AISES Judges Joe Connolly, Glenn Research Center Joshua John, Raytheon Aaron Ashley, Raytheon (Alumni) Kristina Halona, Northrup Grumman/Orbital ATK Tribal Judges Kelsey Kawaguchi, Boeing Orson John, Goddard Space Flight Center Frazer Tee, Intel James Wood, Kennedy Space Center NASA Rob Cannon, Kennedy Space Center

3 2019 Tribal Teams 1 Aaniiih Nakoda College Chief Dull Knife College
Still accepting NOIs for 1 more teams Aaniiih Nakoda College Chief Dull Knife College College of Menominee Nation College of Muscogee Nation Fond du Lac Tribal Community College Haskell Indian Nations University Kapi'olani Community College Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College Leech Lake Tribal College United Tribes Technical College Utah State University East Blanding

4 2019 AISES Teams 2 Fort Lewis College Fort Peck Community College
Still accepting NOIs for 2 more team Fort Lewis College Fort Peck Community College New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Northern Arizona University Northwest Indian College Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College University of Alaska Anchorage University of California Los Angeles University of Hawaii at Manoa University of North Carolina Pembroke

5 Competition Date (TBC)
April 25-28, 2019 Carthage College Kenosha, WI April 27, 2019 Richard Bong Recreational Park Kansasville, WI April 28, 2019 Rain Date Certification Launches

6 Competition Date (TBC)
Thursday April 25, 2019 Rocket Workshop (optional), Safety Inspection, Welcome Dinner Friday April 26, 2019 Oral Presentations, Half-day Rocket Work Day, Launch Pad Preparation Workshop, Motor Build Workshop, Tripoli Certification Test April 27, 2019 Launch Day, Banquet April 28, 2019 Rain Date, Certification Launches

7 2019 First Nations Launch Teams
11 Tribal Teams 10 AISES Teams 4-6 members per team on average Advisor: Meetings/telecons for assistance, maintain student driven project New schools/new advisor: Teaming up with a veteran team Advisor handbook available soon Team Lead: Meetings/telecons for assistance, FAQ Team Lead Responsibility: Communication and document submission Space Grant: Contact your state space grant. They may be able to assist you with additional project and travel funds.

Tribal Competition 1-2 day Kit Rocket Build Level I Certification (TRA/NAR) New Teams eligible Aaniiih Nakoda College (Harlem, Montana) College of Muscogee Nation (Okmulgee, Oklahoma) Haskell Indian Nations University (Lawrence, KS) United Tribes Technical College (Bismarck, North Dakota) Letter of Request submitted by November 26, 2018 Number of Advisors and Students committed to attending Three eligible weekends (Friday-Sunday) in order of preference November 30 – December 2 January 11-13, 18-20, 25-27 February 1-3, 8-10 One Guaranteed Workshop

9 Supplied by WSGC to Teams
$3,000 Project/Travel Award Reimbursements will be issued through Carthage College. Reimbursement deadlines are March 11 and May 6, 2019. Launch Weekend Hotel Accommodations and Select Meals Maximum three (3) rooms for three (3) nights per team at competition hotel Last day to secure lodging is February 25, Select meals: Thursday dinner, Friday lunch, Saturday lunch and dinner Low-Power Rocket Each team will receive a low-power rocket for demonstration flight requirement. Flight demo deadline is January 21, 2019. Two (2) Rocketry Reference Books (New Schools) Model Rocket Design and Construction; Modern High-Power Rocketry 2 Competition Ejection Charges Competition Rocket Motor(s) and Motor Casing Two (2) reloadable motors of your choice and one (1) motor casing per team will be provided. Motor selection deadline is February 25, 2019. Report Feedback Provided a minimum of one (1) week prior to submission of next report Rocketry Workshop (New Schools) WSGC representative conducts a Level 1 Rocketry Workshop on campus (based upon team experience) Request due November 26, 2018

10 Tribal Design Objective
Design, construct and launch a high power rocket equipped with a video camera(s) Create a montage of videos and pictures during prep, flight, and recovery. Maximum length 60 seconds. Use a motor ejection charge feature, including an altimeter. The rocket must exceed 2400 feet and no higher than 3000 feet (max) above ground level (AGL). Use one (1) AeroTech reloadable/disposable 38mm motor no larger than a J impulse. See Competition Handbook p. 9 for Payload/Experiment Requirements

11 Powered Flight Profile

12 AISES Design Objectives
Design a microcontroller system to capture at least three (3) unique reportable captured data during flight. Use the ejection charge feature, including altimeter(s) The rocket must exceed 3000 feet and be no higher than 5000 feet (max) above ground level (AGL). Use one disposable 54mm Aerotech J450 DM or K550W reloadable motor See Competition Handbook p. 9 for Payload/Experiment Requirements

13 Powered Flight Profile

14 Competition Summary All projects will be judged on the design reviews (written and oral), the oral presentations, the predicted vs. actual apogee, and the flight. Bonus points may be earned through outreach efforts. Electronic payload bays will be judged on neatness and simplicity. Example Only

15 Parameter Guidelines (All Teams)
All projects during the construction process must have a minimum of two (2) scheduled virtual inspections with the designated safety officer (TBA). All projects must be 90% constructed and ready to fly two (2) weeks prior to launch day. 90% = Airframe, motor mount, fins, payload airframe, couplers, bulkheads, should be permanently attached as designed. All projects must be designed to enable the motor deployment charge as a back-up recovery system at apogee. All final competition projects must have a documented flight/stable simulation profile (I.E. RockSim, Open Rocket, etc.). Photographs are required during the construction of the motor mount and fin fillet assembly process to ensure proper construction techniques has been adhered. All projects must have an aero-dynamic design. No odd rocs. Note: No flying pyramids, saucers or spools. The “Center of Pressure” (CP) and the “Center of Gravity” (CG) must be indicated on rocket.

16 Competition Scoring (All Teams)
Scoring for Each Team Competition Proposal Preliminary Design Report (PDR) PDR Review w/ judges Critical Design Report (CDR) CDR Review w/judges Flight Readiness Review (FRR) FRR Review w/judges Post-Launch Assessment Report 5 pts. 10 pts. 60 Launch Weekend Oral Presentation 10 Flight Performance Payload/Challenge Vehicle Construction and Performance Predicted vs. Actual Apogee 30 TOTAL 100 Conduct an Education Outreach Project Submit Education/Public Outreach Form BONUS Submissions received after 11:59 pm CST on the due date will be considered late. Scores for late reports will be reduced by 20% for each day they are late. 16

17 Competition Scoring (All Teams)
New for this year Virtual Presentations w/judges In-time feedback (one week prior to next report due date) Design Report Workshop Each report carries equal weight “Next” report should build on previous reports Late reports are docked 20% per day Due date is 11:59pm CST Outreach effort: Bonus 10 points 17

18 Design Reports Communicate the engineering and design effort involved
Analysis of predicted performance (compare actual) SHOW the design and construction as it progresses (pictures, diagrams, etc.) A template is provided for each report Reports are due when posted on competition handbook calendar Reports = 60% of overall score Link to report templates are found in the Competition Handbook Design report workshop (optional) – December 11, 2018

19 Virtual Design Report Presentations
Presentations should follow the respective report template. Every team member should participate during the presentation. The presentation is limited to ten (10) minutes. Immediately following the end of each presentation there will be a question and answer session up to fifteen (15) minutes. Judges and Tripoli Rocketry Association member may ask questions. Include changes that have occurred between presentation and prior report. Each team will be given a presentation slot based upon the judge’s schedule. It will be the team’s responsibility to be in attendance.

20 Oral Presentations Presentations should follow the Oral Report Template. Every team member should participate during the presentation. The oral presentation is limited to ten (10) minutes. Immediately following the end of each presentation there will be a question and answer session up to (5) minutes. Only judges may ask questions. If time allows there may be additional questions from the audience. If you are using Rocksim (or any payload simulations), keep early records to show the evolution of the models. Consider documenting your project with video or picture logs, using this information to compile your presentation.

21 Timetable Activity Date 6 November 2018
Kick-Off 4 pm CST (Telecon # ) 13 November 2018 Advisor’s 4:00 pm** (Telecon# ) Team Lead 4:30 pm** 26 November 2018 Award Acceptance Material Due, Proposal and Budget Due, Request for Rocket Workshop Due 11 December 2018 Design Report Informational 4 pm CST (Telecon # ) 21 January 2019 Preliminary Design Reports (PDRs) and Flight Demo Due 28 January 2019 Patch Design Submissions Due 28 Jan-01 Feb 2019 PDR Virtual Presentations 19 February 2019 Advisor’s 4:00 pm** (Telecon# ) Team Lead 4:30 pm** 25 February 2019 Critical Design Reports (CDRs) Due, Official Team Photo, Bio and Roster Due, Last Day to Secure Lodging (Register through Connie Engberg), Final Motor Selection Due 4-8 March 2019 CDR Virtual Presentations/Tripoli Virtual Safety Inspection with WSGC 11 March 2019 Reimbursements Due to WSGC Program Office 01 April 2019 Flight Readiness Review (FRR) Due 11 April 2019 Outreach Forms Due 8-12 April 2019 FRR Virtual Presentations/Final WSGC/Tripoli Virtual Inspection 25 April 2019 Arrive in Wisconsin, Team Workday 1-4 pm (opt), Safety Inspection 3-5 pm, Welcome Dinner 6 Carthage College 26 April 2019 Flight Readiness Oral Presentations (Maximum 6 minutes/8 PowerPoint Slides), Motor Build Workshop, Final Carthage College 27 April 2019 First Nations Launch at Richard Bong Recreation Area in Kansasville, WI 28 April 2019 Launch Rain Date 3 May 2019 Post-Launch Assessment Review (PLAR) Due, Final Reimbursements Due to WSGC Program Office 20 May 2019 Notifications of Winners 1 June 2019 Grand Prize trip to a NASA Center

22 Team Planning Schedule
Create a project schedule early on (can be a Gantt chart, excel spreadsheet or similar) to meet report deadlines and have a safe and successful flight Simple or detailed…a schedule that works best for the entire team Update the project schedule regularly so you can anticipate any schedule issues early on On a high level can include: concept phase, preliminary phase, design phase, flight readiness, post launch Details can include: purchase deadlines, build deadlines, report deadlines which would include the time needed to meet the deadlines See Mark Abotossaway’s Artemis example: Project schedule workshop (TBD) 22

23 Tools and Tips Award Acceptance Agreement Media Release Form
Competition Handbook Expense Reimbursement Form to WSGC Program Office Travel Expense Summary Report to WSGC Program Office Links for forms and additional information: General Resources:

24 Submitting Reimbursement Requests
Send reimbursement forms and original receipts per the instructions below to the WSGC Program Office: ATTN: Lisa Crumble Incomplete information will be delayed in being submitted for reimbursement Requests need to be postmarked by the due date REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST FORMS Individual Expense Summary Form Instructions Individual Expense Summary Form (Example) Individual Expense Summary Form Team Expense Summary Form Instructions Team Expense Summary Form (Example) Team Expense Summary Form Team Travel Expense Summary Form (Example) Team Travel Expense Summary Form

25 Tripoli Certification Level 1 & 2
All student participants eligible Purchase a rocket Build rocket individually, not a team effort Bring a 90% Ready-to-fly Rocket to the competition Launch certification rocket competition weekend (Sunday) Donor will provide Tripoli Membership Fee for Level 1 Certifications Level 2 Certification Tests available at 8 am on Workshop Day: April 26, 2019 Level 2 Certification Test must be passed in order to fly certification rocket on competition day Cost = $10 Launch Fee (Cash Only) Last day to register for certification: April 11, 2019 Links for additional information:

26 Patch Contest Student launch competition participants can enter
Individuals or Groups Details announced in November Due in January Jarret Curtis, Fort Peck Community College 2018 Winning Design 2018 Competitions: Scale Model Rocket and Timed Duration

27 Kansasville, WI Q & A

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