FREE student memberships provided

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1 FREE student memberships provided
by our school

2 What is
A web-based tool assisting: High School Counselors High School Coaches High School Players Parents

3 Mystery of the NCAA Eligibility Center
NCAA Division I Initial-Eligibility Minimum Requirements Graduate from high school Complete 16 NCAA core courses Earn a minimum 2.30 GPA in your NCAA core courses Earn a qualifying SAT or ACT score based on the DI sliding scales correlated to core course GPA Two qualifier types: Full Qualifier and Academic Redshirt

4 Mystery of the NCAA Eligibility Center Additional DI Requirements
10 NCAA core course credits must be completed PRIOR to senior year and those grades are “locked in” once senior year begins 7 NCAA core course credits in English, Math or Science must be completed PRIOR to senior year

5 Mystery of the NCAA Eligibility Center
NCAA Division II Initial-Eligibility Minimum Requirements Graduate from high school Complete 16 NCAA core courses Earn a minimum 2.20 GPA in your NCAA core courses Earn a qualifying SAT or ACT score based on the DII sliding scales correlated to core course GPA Two qualifier types: Full Qualifier and Partial Qualifier

6 Core Course Requirements
Although both divisions require 16 core credits, the subcategory course requirements are different for DI & DII English: 4 years for DI / 3 years for DII Math: 3 years for DI / 2 years for DII Natural/Physical science: 2 years (including one year of lab science)              Additional English, Math or Science: 1 year for DI / 3 years for DII Social Science: 2 years Additional Core Courses: 4 years

7 NCAA Core Course Requirements
Cumulative GPA DOES NOT EQUAL NCAA Core Course GPA It is not uncommon for the NCAA Core Course GPA to be an ENTIRE POINT LOWER than the Cumulative GPA

8 NCAA Core Course Requirements
The earlier a student-athlete begins tracking their core courses, the better. Every semester counts. Student-athletes satisfy up to 33% of their NCAA core course requirements in the… FRESHMAN YEAR!!!

9 NCAA Core Course Requirements
NCAA credit recovery rules are very restrictive regarding approval and acceptance of online and distance learning classes Online courses must meet NCAA standards and be included on the school’s or provider’s NCAA List of Approved Core Courses Just because a course is valid for graduation does not guarantee that it is approved by the NCAA Eligibility Center

10 NCAA Core Course Requirements
Meeting the minimum NCAA initial-eligibility standards does not guarantee admittance into the college of your choice Many colleges require athletes to meet higher academic standards than the minimum set by the NCAA

11 Parents Makes tracking NCAA Core Courses QUICK and EASY
High School Counselors High School Coaches Student-Athletes Parents

12 software is customized with the NCAA Approved core courses for OUR high school

13 5 Step Process Click “Show Report” No Typing
Select Course, Credit, Grade and Year English Math Natural/Physical Science Social Science Additional Core Courses Click “Show Report”

14 NCAA Initial Eligibility Status Report
Summary Report 4 Detailed Reports DI Actual & Projected DII Actual & Projected Save/Send Reports as a PDF

15 NCAA Initial Eligibility Status Report
Most college entrance standards are higher than NCAA minimum requirements… …helps goal setting for COLLEGE SPECIFIC entrance standards

16 Quick Access to Important Recruiting Topics such as….
Recruiting Calendars SAT/ACT Test Dates Questions to Ask Recruiters Recruiting Rules College Search Options (by division and sport) PLUS MUCH MORE!!!

17 Watch a free webinar NCAA Initial Eligibility NCAA Eligibility Center
Protecting your Amateurism Scholarship Myths & Facts Recruiting Services The Name Game NAIA Eligibility Social Networking National Letter of Intent Saving for College Plus much more!

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