DG AGRI Activities related to forestry statistics

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1 DG AGRI Activities related to forestry statistics
DG AGRI H.4 “Bioenergy, biomass, forestry and climate change”

2 Increasing demand on forestry and wood statistics
sustainability discussion wood availability competitive use of wood biomass for renewable energy

3 General information on the development of the forest resource
data from EUROSTAT, FAO/UNECE, MCPFE Own specific information compilation biomass for energy EUROSTAT, FAO/UNECE (JWEE), AEBIOM Reporting Rural Development Programmes (SRC) Co-operation with other DGs DG TREN: Renewable energies, wood potentials, sustainability criteria

4 Co-operation with other DGs
DG ENTR: Task force on wood availability and related groups EUROSTAT: WG on renewable energy statistics Implementation of the EU Forest Action Plan (MS, Stakeholders, DGs) WG on wood mobilisation periodically (3 – 5 years) update wood supply and wood use information, including wood for energy, processed wood fuels, post consumer recycled wood and wood waste streams. MS should also undertake wood fuel market reviews

5 Implementation of the EU Forest Action Plan (MS, Stakeholders, Dgs)
WG on wood mobilisation 1.1 Better understanding of the resource needs sound basic data, often lacking when predicting wood potential for mobilisation. More detailed analysis needed of potential wood supply on MS and regional levels taking into account conditions such as costs, ownerships, quality, infrastructures and environment. MS and regions should also conduct surveys on household consumption of wood for energy to gain a clear picture on energy usage. The Commission can facilitate the efforts through information exchange.

6 WG on non-wood forest goods and services
Implementation of the EU Forest Action Plan (MS, Stakeholders, DGs) (2) WG on non-wood forest goods and services Incorporate monitoring of the provision and financing related to non-wood forest goods and services into existing and/or newly developed forest monitoring systems at a regional, national and international level

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