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Photosynthesis JEOPARDY #2 By: Riedell S2C06 Jeopardy Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Photosynthesis JEOPARDY #2 By: Riedell S2C06 Jeopardy Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photosynthesis JEOPARDY #2 By: Riedell S2C06 Jeopardy Review

2 MOLECULES VOCAB Know Your Scientists Light- Dependent Reactions Calvin Cycle 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 Molecules 100 High energy electron carrier used in the light-dependent reaction A: What is NADP+? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

4 Molecules 200 This molecule is the main photosynthetic pigment in green plants . A: What is chlorophyll? You don’t have to identify its picture but it’s pretty cool looking! S2C06 Jeopardy Review

5 Molecules 300 This molecule is produced from CO2, ATP, and NADPH during the Calvin cycle. A: What is glucose ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

6 Molecules 400 This molecule receives a phosphate group as H+ ions pass through ATP synthase A: What is ADP? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

7 Molecules 500 NAME this molecule (Don’t abbreviate it)
A: What is adenosine triphosphate (ATP) ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

8 Vocab 100 Organisms that make their own food A: What are autotrophs?
S2C06 Jeopardy Review

9 Vocab 200 Space surrounding the grana inside a chloroplast where the Calvin cycle happens A: What is stroma? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

10 Vocab 300 Organisms that cannot use the sun’s energy directly for food. A: What is heterotroph ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

11 Vocab 400 Clusters of proteins found in the thylakoid membrane that carry out the light-dependent reactions A: What are photosystems ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

12 Vocab 500 A: What is a biochemical pathway ?
Set of chemical reactions in which the product of one reaction goes on to be the reactant in the next reaction A: What is a biochemical pathway ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

13 A: Who is Joseph Priestley?
Know Your Scientists 100 He experimented with plantsin a bell jar and concluded that plants make “good air” A: Who is Joseph Priestley? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

14 Know Your Scientists 200 He showed that the effect seen by Priestley only happened if plants were exposed to light A: Who was Jan Ingenhousz ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

15 A: Who was Jan van Helmont?
Know Your Scientists 300 After careful measurement of a plant’s water intake and mass increase, he concluded that trees gain most of their mass from water. A: Who was Jan van Helmont? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

16 Know Your Scientists 400 What was wrong about van Helmont’s conclusion that the increase in mass of his tree came from water? A: What is carbon dioxide contributes to the increase, but he didn’t see that because it’s invisible? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

17 Know Your Scientists 500 He received a Nobel prize for figuring out the biochemical pathway for the Calvin cycle A: Who is Melvin Calvin? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

18 Light-Dependent Reactions 100
Place where the light-dependent reactions happen A: What is in the thylakoid membrane? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

19 Light-Dependent Reactions 200
Name the two carriers used in the light-dependent reactions A: What are ADP and NADP+ ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

20 Light-Dependent Reactions 300
Name the two products produced by the light-dependent reactions that go on to the Calvin cycle A: What are ATP and NADPH? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

21 Light-Dependent Reactions 400
What happens to a water molecule during the light reaction A: What is it splits to donate electrons to photosystem II? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

22 Light-Dependent Reactions 500
Name the two clusters of proteins that receive high energy electrons during the light-dependent reactions A: What are photosystem II & photosystem I ? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

23 Place where the Calvin Cycle happens in a plant cell.
A: Where is it takes place in the stroma (outside the grana)? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

24 What enters the Calvin Cycle from the atmosphere?
A: What is six carbon dioxide molecules? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

25 Products from the light-dependent
Calvin Cycle 300 Products from the light-dependent Reactions which help with the Calvin cycle. A: What is ATP and NADPH? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

26 Name the product of the Calvin Cycle
A: What is sugar? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

27 Another name for the Calvin cycle
A: What is Light INDEPENDENT reactions? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

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