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Comparing and contrasting norms: folkways vs. mores

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1 Comparing and contrasting norms: folkways vs. mores
la’tisa w . & Dominique v

2 So…what is a norm you ask?
Norms are the specific cultural expectations for how to believe in a given situation. A norm either tells how behavior or forbids it. As humans , we all follow certain norms by which may not be as serious as far as punishment goes for not following the norm. Two types of norms: Folkways Mores Examples: values, beliefs, and knowledge

3 Folkways? Folkways are a se of norms in a social system that govern commonly accepted practices, customs, and habits that is needed for daily living. Breaking or questioning a folkway does not cause severe punishment but may cause the individual to be laughed at , or frowned upon.

4 What are some folkways you ask?
Wearing gender appropriate clothing Respecting others privacy Eating food with the proper utensils Wearing the appropriate clothing for certain events such as funerals, school, and work Lastly saying please and thank you!

5 Mores or nah! Mores are strict norms that control moral and ethical behavior. They are based on what's right and wrong! They are morally significant Violating mores results in disapproval Mores are more strictly in forced

6 Examples just to name a few……
Religious doctrines Murder Usage of drugs in school Weapons in school Fraud Theft-shoplifting & robbing

7 Comparing folkways and & mores :
They both are informal rules to the way we live They are both looked at to not be violated , however they are. All three of these terms deal with behavioral expectations , in which content may change within any given society and they will vary with differing cultures.

8 Differences: In a nutshell, folkways are not as important and serious as mores. You can end up having a serious punishment if you do not follow the rules of a more. Folkways may just only make you feel bad (unless you’re completely heartless to certain situations.

9 multimedia:

10 Works cited” ( )”…….. Crossman, A.(2014, ‘).Norm. Retrieved from Crossman, A.(2014, ‘).folkways. Retrieved from marshal, F. (2014). sociology 101 exam 2. Retrieved from cards/ Kellogg, B. (Artist). (2012, November 28). anti-bullying strategies [Web Photo]. Retrieved from ocholi, J. (Photographer). (2013, april 18). king amiyah scott [Web Photo]. Retrieved from jackson, M. (2012). breaking social norm [Web]. Retrieved from

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