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2 RECAP OF OUR LAST STUDY From our last study, entitled “Israel asks for a King”, we were instructed to avoid the terrible mistake of Israel in rejecting the rule of God over their lives. An attempt to force God’s hands over any matter pushes a person out of God’s perfect will and should be avoided. We must also check our motives and desires to ensure we are seeking God for the right reasons. The best step a person should take is to enthrone Jesus Christ as King over one’s life.

MEMORY VERSE: …… “And the asses of Kish Saul’s father were lost. And Kish said to Saul his son, Take now one of the servants with thee, and arise, go seek the asses” (1 Samuel 9:3). TEXT: 1 Samuel 9: 1-27

4 TODAY’S STUDY (continued)
INTRODUCTION: Saul’s obedience and diligence in seeking his father’s lost asses led to his meeting with Samuel and his choice as Israel’s first king. Likewise, our commitment to the Great Commission gladdens God’s heart and attracts His blessings. Promotion comes on the path of duty.

5 SAUL’S SEARCH FOR THE LOST ASSES 1 Samuel 9: 1-10; Mark 16:15
Saul’s sense of duty is an example to us. He was determined to find the lost asses at all cost. Like Kish, Christ has commissioned all believers to seek His lost sheep. And like Saul, we must do everything to ensure lost sinners are found and converted. QUESTION 1: What challenge does Saul’s persistence to find the asses pose to us as Christians? – 1 Samuel 9:4; Mark 16:15 QUESTION 2: Mention some lessons from Saul and his servant’s disposition in their search for the lost asses – 1 Samuel 9: 4-6

The decision of Saul and his servant to seek counsel is instructive. Life often presents us with challenges and decisions, which we cannot effectively handle alone. At such times, we should seek counsel from mature and God-fearing people like our leaders or more experienced believers. We should not go to mediums, seducers or deceivers. QUESTION 3: What should be our attitude when seeking counsel? – 1 Kings 12:6-19; Jeremiah 23:23; Isaiah 8:20; Proverbs 1:5

7 SAMUEL DIRECTED TO ANOINT SAUL KING 1 Samuel 9:15-22, Exodus 30:30; Acts 8:26-31
God spoke to Samuel directly to anoint Saul as king. Kish and Saul did not know God was using the loss of the asses for His own purpose. As believers, we should not be dismayed when things do not seem to go our way. Once we love God and obey Him, He will use every situation to our advantage (Romans 8:28). QUESTION 4: Mention instances in the Scriptures where people received divine directives from God – Genesis 12:1-4; Luke 2:9-12; Acts 8: 26-31

8 SAUL DINES WITH SAMUEL 1 Samuel 9:23-27; Matthew 22:4
Samuel communicated the matters of the kingdom to Saul with wisdom. He did it on “the top of the house” to avoid disturbance and anointed Saul king in the absence of his servant. Christian leaders must ensure privacy in sensitive counselling sessions. Discussion on individuals should not be done in the presence of others who are not required (e.g. our children, spouses or friends). QUESTION 5: As Christians, why is it necessary to be discreet when handling sensitive matters? – 1 Samuel 9:25-27

9 CONCLUSION Saul was dutiful in seeking his father’s lost asses. So must we be diligent in seeking our Father’s lost sheep. God ordered Saul’s steps – from the loss of the asses to his being anointed king. If we love God and obey Him, He will order our steps too; and all things will work together for good for us. Like Samuel, leaders must respect the privacy of the people they counsel, discuss or lead.

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