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Ballet Dance Workshop 2.

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1 Ballet Dance Workshop 2

2 Where and when did ballet first begin?
Ballet was first recorded in the early 1400’s. Although the word ballet and much of its language is French, ballet actually originated during the Italian Renaiss- ance. Noblemen and women attended lavish celebrat- ions such as ceremonies called ‘courts’ where they danced, ate and drank until dawn.

3 Continue… It was Catherine de Medici, an Italian Noblewoman who left Italy in the 1500’s to marry King Henry II of France and brought her artistic talent to France. Ballet was funded in the French courts and many festivals around France brought Ballet to the public. Many French Kings continued to fund this art and opened ballet academies around the country.

4 Ballet before… Ballet now…

5 Shoes! As time went on, the development of soft shoes for ballet was developed with the later arrival of pointe shoes.

6 Music Music used for ballet is known as classical music. Listen…

7 The basics: Positions of the feet and arms

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