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Diet Nutrition and Health

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Presentation on theme: "Diet Nutrition and Health"— Presentation transcript:

1 Diet Nutrition and Health

2 Diet, Nutrition and Health
Some people have different nutritional needs due to health issues. These health issues can be improved by modifying the diet.

3 Obesity Normal body mass index (BMI) is between 18 and 24
Being obese means that a person’s BMI is over 40 This can have a negative effect on health

4 Obesity – diet modifications
Reduce calorie intake Reduce saturated fats Eat smaller portions

5 Heart Disease When saturated fat builds up within the walls of an artery This can cause a heart attack

6 Heart Disease – diet modifications
Reduce saturated fats Reduce foods high in cholesterol Eat more fruit and vegetables

7 Osteoporosis Bone density diminishes resulting in pain and skeletal weakening

8 Osteoporosis – diet modifications
Eat calcium rich foods (Milk, cheese, nuts, avocado, broccoli) Eat vitamin D rich foods (mackerel, salmon, tuna)

9 Dental health Sugars and acids eat away at the tooth enamel causing tooth decay

10 Dental health – diet modifications
Reduce sugary foods Reduce acidic foods Brush teeth after eating

11 Anaemia A lack of red blood cells causing tiredness and fatigue
This can be caused by a lack of iron which helps the production of red blood cells

12 Anaemia – diet modifications
Eat more iron rich foods Eat more vitamin c

13 Diabetes Insulin is produced by the pancreas and helps the body control glucose (sugar) Type one diabetes is where the body does not produce any insulin (injections) Type two diabetes is where the body does not produce enough insulin to cope with the sugar that is eaten.

14 Diabetes (type2)– diet modifications
Reduce sugar intake Reduce alcohol intake

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