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School of Social Sciences, History and Philosophy School Meeting

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1 School of Social Sciences, History and Philosophy School Meeting
1 March 2017

2 Recruitment summary for 17/18 so far
PG applications looking positive: FT applics up 82%, with 97% more offers. PT applics up 16%, offers down slightly UG numbers very similar to last year. FT applics up 5% though offers down 5% Across college other schools have increased their UG FT applications more than SSHP, but our PG applications are ahead UG picture across sector – UCAS applics down at middle/low tariff institutions, which are now seeking to make up numbers

3 Finances… College as a whole - £14M surplus last year
All schools in surplus Research income for SSHP increasing (£2.1M in external research funding) Surplus for SSHP in 2016/17 = projected £1.2M. BUT – includes £1m savings on posts, to be filled in 17/18. Other income will also reduce. So, small surplus at best likely in 17/18, which depends on recruitment – early projection = 4% increase in new numbers

4 SSHP deficit/surplus (projected for 16/17)

5 Income 15/16 versus planned 16/17
Will lose sig amount of HEFCE T funding for science subjects in 2 yrs time

6 Expenditure 15/16 versus 16/17 planned budget
Pay costs increasing £300K a year

7 Next steps and challenges (a reminder…)
Strategic aim to increase/rebuild numbers to cover costs, make investments Context: removal of HEFCE science T funding in 18/19; new PT UG loans likely 18/19; Brexit Continue to develop support / retention strategies for students. TEF a major driver, but issues (eg NSS) not uniform across college. Plan for growth – a combination of: Even more effective conversion and progression Introduce and embed new programmes for 17/18 Continue and complete the refreshing of core degrees, identifying USPs for marketing (ER etc) Embed Foundation Year: especially mechanisms for referral Integrate postgraduate foundation programme into other parts of the School Learning Development Coordinator, Rose Raymond

8 Portfolio Review Signed off by School Executive 25 January, now forms part of Planning documentation Target 10% increase in student numbers over 5 years to make up lost numbers, pay increased costs, invest in staffing New programmes, especially interdisciplinary: e.g BA History and History of Art, BA Archaeology and Geography, MSc PPE, MA War and Humanitarianism. Also new/enhanced core programmes, eg. revamped BA History, new BA Human Geography

9 Planning Round Changes this year: planning ahead of budget setting
Interim Plan agreed at Executive 22 Feb, submitted today with provisional student numbers College planning group will meet with SSHP early March to discuss Revised Plan submitted by end March, budget setting under way Key objectives over five year period 17-22 Increase overall student numbers by 10% (15/16 baseline), to allow for investment in staffing as well as covering increased costs and losses of other income Increase research grant income to £3m p.a, improve other REF metrics where needed Continue to promote interdisciplinarity in programmes to maximise strengths of SSHP - promote new areas, eg. environments, cities etc. Continue to improve student experience in context of TEF etc. – College review via PVM Education Push for improvements to our Estate, communications etc Staffing: address (in SSHP and with college) issues relating to equalities/diversity, retention, benefits Work to enhance internationalisation in our research and teaching

10 Estates College Estates Strategy SSHP
Toddler Lab, 32/33 Torrington Square Cambridge House - teaching space Science Wing and Extension Building Cost: around £100m – from reserves + borrowing + fundraising SSHP 25-30 Russell Square general picture – rolling refurb programme likely, after works on 27 completed Other building projects: 26R, 30 R and 32 TS

11 Other matters….. Studentships: ESRC, SSHP, externally-funded (RCa)
Academic appointments for 17/18 TEF 2 submission and next steps College submission to HEFCE consultation on REF/Stern Brexit Research grants: Wellcome Department of Geography

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