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The American Revolution

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1 The American Revolution

2 1. What is a revolution a forcible overthrow of a government in favor of a new system.


4 Big Questions: Why do Revolutions happen?
What makes a revolution just?

5 Big Influence on Revolution Author: John Locke
Wrote essay called “The Second Treatise on Government” Here are his key ideas:

6 1. The social contract This is agreement between government and its citizens. This agreement breaks down as follows:

7 Point 1: There are things called natural rights
These are: Right to life Right to Property Right to liberty All people are created free and equal

8 Point 2: Governments job is to protect and secure these rights for its citizens

9 Point 3: Citizens living under a government must protect these rights and help government promote them

10 Point 4: If the contract is broken by a citizen:
They lose their natural rights

11 Point 5: If broken by the government:
Revolution is justified!

12 England (Britain) vs. Their Colonies

13 Economic Structure of Colonial Relationship: Mercantilism

14 The Navigation Acts (Passed in 1650’s)
Made the colonies a “closed market” - American colonists could not trade with other nations

15 I. The 13 colonies Controlled by the country of England / the British government

16 1. The political structure

17 a. Each colony had a legislative body
The citizens of the colony who were white, male, and owned land could vote for these people. Legislatures debate about law proposals and create laws Had the Power of the Purse

18 b. The Governor Each colony had one
He was appointed by the King of England Job was to enforce British Laws in colonies All colonist’s were promised same rights as British People

19 c. Parliament Was the chief legislative body in England.
They created tax laws. The colonist’s did not have a representative on Parliament

20 d. The King/Queen of England
His main job was the administrate law and issues regarding the Colonies. During the Revolution the King was called George the 3rd

21 The Road to Revolution

22 I. England’s Economy after French and Indian War Victory:


24 1. War put England in 140 Million pounds in Debt

25 a. War cost mad loot b. Pontiac’s Rebellion cost mad loot to put down

26 c. Britain put 7,500 soldiers in Pontiac’s territory
This cost 320,000 pounds per year.

27 II. British government begins to change laws and challenge American colonial freedom
(King George the 3rd)

28 a. The British Government restricted colonial movement and expansion

29 Example # 1: King passes Proclamation of 1763
Measure restricts freedom of colonists by forbidding them to move west past the Appalachian Mountains.

30 What values drove the Kings decision?
British government needed Security, Stability and mad loot.

31 b. The British Government created laws that limited the colonists ability to make profit

32 Example# 1: The Navigation Acts
These laws forbid the colonies from trading with nations other than England

33 Example # 2: The Sugar Act
Parliament created this tax Forced colonists to pay British Government a portion of the profit they made on rum sales

34 * Colonists got around both laws by smuggling products with Spanish and French colonies

35 Example # 3: Writs of Assistance
Gave the British Navy the power to search any colonist ship, and soldiers can enter a home at any time looking for smuggled products No search warrant was needed Didn’t need Probable Cause

36 Example # 4: The Stamp act

37 Stamp Act

38 Stamp Act Congress Led by James Otis
Brought 27 delegates from nine colonies to New York. Step toward intercolonial unity                           

39 Tar and Feathering

40 Why were these Laws controversial?
The colonists had no member on Parliament (which was group who created the tax law) “ No Taxation without Representation”

41 Peoples Natural Right to secure their property was violated.

42 Modern Example: (Example – The Stop and Frisk policy of New York City)

43 b. 3 types of Political failures
Peoples rights aren’t protected

44 3. People don’t get a chance to vote or have a say

45 English Navy



48 2. British Government begins increasing taxes on the colonists
Begin Quiz

49 Sam Adams SAMUEL ADAMS was such an effective political agitator
Adams organized the underground group called Sons of Liberty spread propaganda through broadsides and pamphlets that called for unified resistance.

50 A Broadside


52 a. Political structure 1. The Colony had a governor who was appointed by the English King

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