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Gabrielle Mrs. Branin 5th Grade

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Presentation on theme: "Gabrielle Mrs. Branin 5th Grade"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gabrielle Mrs. Branin 5th Grade
Sound Gabrielle Mrs. Branin 5th Grade

2 How Sound is Produced Brass Vibrating Air Woodwinds Vibrating Reed
Percussion Vibrating Surface Strings Vibrating Strings

3 What Makes Sound Vibration- A back-and-forth motion
A sound wave is a vibration moves away from the vibrating object

The guitar is hollow and the pitches bounce off the sides to make sound. The strings make a pitch.

5 What makes sound Compression- the part of a sound wave where molecules are crowded together. Rarefaction- the part of the sound wave where molecules are spread apart.

6 What can sound go through
Solids- Sounds can go through solids. To test this put your ear on a table and have someone tap the other end of it. You should hear the tap. Liquids-you can hear sounds in liquids too. One way to test this is to go in a pool underwater and have someone call you from the surface. You should hear them. Gases- you can definitely hear sounds in gases! The sound waves hit your ear and make part of your ear vibrate. Air is a mixture of gases so sounds can travel through gases.

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