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Welcome to Jeopardy!.

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1 Welcome to Jeopardy!

2 Another Presentation © 2002 - All rights Reserved Mark E. Damon

3 Directions: Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). Enter in the categories on the main game boards. As you play the game, click on the TEXT DOLLAR AMOUNT that the contestant calls, not the surrounding box. When they have given a question, click again anywhere on the screen to see the correct question. Keep track of which questions have already been picked by printing out the game board screen and checking off as you go. Click on the “Game” box to return to the main scoreboard. Enter the score into the black box on each players podium. Continue until all clues are given. When finished, DO NOT save the game. This will overwrite the program with the scores and data you enter. You MAY save it as a different name, but keep this file untouched!

4 Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2

5 Germany U.S. USSR Potpouri Places Vocab Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

6 Hitler signed a non-aggression pact with this country prior to WWII.
$100 Hitler signed a non-aggression pact with this country prior to WWII.

7 $100 USSR Scores

8 The name of the battle for Hitler’s attack on Britain.
$200 The name of the battle for Hitler’s attack on Britain.

9 $200 Operation Sea Lion Scores

10 The name of the laws that took away rights from the Jews
$300 The name of the laws that took away rights from the Jews

11 $300 Nuremburg Laws Scores

12 Hitler’s last resolve to his “Jew problem.”
$400 Hitler’s last resolve to his “Jew problem.”

13 Final Solution/genocide
$400 Final Solution/genocide Scores

14 $500 Hitler wanted to avoid this country when he decided to attack the Russians

15 $500 British Scores

16 This pact said that all countries would not use war as foreign policy
$100 This pact said that all countries would not use war as foreign policy

17 $100 Kellog-Briand Scores

18 The turning point in the war in the Pacific
$200 The turning point in the war in the Pacific

19 $200 Battle of Midway Scores

20 Eisenhower was in charge of this operation in Northern Africa
$300 Eisenhower was in charge of this operation in Northern Africa

21 $300 Operation Torch Scores

22 This act allowed the U.S. to trade with warring countries.
$400 This act allowed the U.S. to trade with warring countries.

23 $400 Atlantic Charter Scores

24 This battle stopped the Japanese from advancing further in the Pacific
$500 This battle stopped the Japanese from advancing further in the Pacific

25 $500 Coral Sea Scores

26 The turning point in the war for the Russians against the Germans
$100 The turning point in the war for the Russians against the Germans

27 $100 Stalingrad Scores

28 $200 He agreed to a non-aggression pact with Hitler

29 $200 Stalin Scores

30 $300 This area was the launching point for Hitler’s attack against the Soviets

31 $300 Balkans Scores

32 Russian political prisoners were sent to these
$400 Russian political prisoners were sent to these

33 $400 Gulags Scores

34 Stalingrad was the last major obstacle between Hitler and these.
$500 Stalingrad was the last major obstacle between Hitler and these.

35 $500 Oil fields Scores

36 $100 Overproduction of goods, uneven distribution of wealth, Dust Bowl led to this

37 $100 Great Depression Scores

38 $200 Stalin came up with impossibly high quotas to help his economy out called these

39 $200 5 Year plans Scores

40 Germany’s government post WWI
$300 Germany’s government post WWI

41 $300 Weimar Republic Scores

42 Jews had many rights taken away by these laws
$400 Jews had many rights taken away by these laws

43 $400 Nuremburg Laws Scores

44 Name 2 scapegoats for Hitler as he blamed them for WWI
$500 Name 2 scapegoats for Hitler as he blamed them for WWI

45 Jews, business leaders, Marxists, corrupt politicians
$500 Jews, business leaders, Marxists, corrupt politicians Scores

46 Daily Double

47 The 1st of the “island hopping” campaign
$100 The 1st of the “island hopping” campaign

48 $100 Guadalcanal Scores

49 Hitler’s plan to attack the USSR was called this
$200 Hitler’s plan to attack the USSR was called this

50 $200 Operation Barbarossa

51 $300 The Allied forces saved 330,000 French and British soldiers at this city

52 $300 Dunkirk Scores

53 $400 This is where Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met to divide up Germany after the war.

54 $400 Yalta Scores

55 The French Line of troops at the beginning of the war
$500 The French Line of troops at the beginning of the war

56 $500 Maginot Line Scores

57 $100 A state in which government controls every aspect of public and private life

58 $100 Totalitarian Scores

59 Reduction of armed forces
$200 Reduction of armed forces

60 $200 Demilitarization Scores

61 Type of government where people elect the government officials
$300 Type of government where people elect the government officials

62 $300 Democracy Scores

63 These two pieces of technology saved Britain from the German assault
$400 These two pieces of technology saved Britain from the German assault

64 $400 Enigma and Radar Scores

65 Systematic killing of an entire people
$500 Systematic killing of an entire people

66 $500 Genocide Scores

67 Vocab. Russia Post-War Stuff Battles People Places Round 1 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Final Jeopardy $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 Scores $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

68 He took over after Lenin
$200 He took over after Lenin

69 $200 Stalin Scores

70 This was the alliance among the nations in the USSR that rivaled NATO.
$400 This was the alliance among the nations in the USSR that rivaled NATO.

71 $400 Warsaw Pact Scores

72 $600 The last of the Romanovs, Czar Nicholas II was removed from office because of this.

73 $600 World War I Scores

74 This person was responsible for the Great Purge.
$800 This person was responsible for the Great Purge.

75 $800 Stalin Scores

76 $1000 Russia could take over Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. What sea did they border on?

77 $1000 Baltic Scores

78 Name of treaty signed after World War I
$200 Name of treaty signed after World War I

79 $200 Versailles Scores

80 Daily Double

81 “World’s Police force” established after World War II
$400 “World’s Police force” established after World War II

82 $400 United Nations Scores

83 Name of the group that met after World War I.
$600 Name of the group that met after World War I.

84 $600 The Big 4 Scores

85 These two groups fought over China before and after World War II
$800 These two groups fought over China before and after World War II

86 Nationalists and Communists
$800 Nationalists and Communists Scores

87 $1000 The Kellog-Briand pact said that countries would do this for their foreign policy.

88 $1000 No war/fighting Scores

89 World War II started when…
$200 World War II started when…

90 Germany invaded Poland
$200 Germany invaded Poland Scores

91 Turning point in the war in the Pacific
$400 Turning point in the war in the Pacific

92 $400 Midway Scores

93 Operation Barbarossa was Hitler’s plan to attack whom.
$600 Operation Barbarossa was Hitler’s plan to attack whom.

94 $600 Russia Scores

95 Operation Overlord took place in this country
$800 Operation Overlord took place in this country

96 $800 France Scores

97 Turning point in WWII for the Russians
$1000 Turning point in WWII for the Russians

98 $1000 Stalingrad Scores

99 Name one Nazi extermination camp
$200 Name one Nazi extermination camp

100 $200 Auschwitz, Dachau Scores

101 The Red Sea and Mediterranean Seas are connected by this.
$400 The Red Sea and Mediterranean Seas are connected by this.

102 $400 Suez Canal Scores

103 Daily Double

104 $600 This German tank commander was sent to Northern Africa to save the Italians.

105 $600 Rommel Scores

106 The British did this to Hitler at the Munich Conference.
$800 The British did this to Hitler at the Munich Conference.

107 $800 Appeasement Scores

108 The British introduced the tank at this battle.
$1000 The British introduced the tank at this battle.

109 $1000 Somme Valley Scores

110 Name of Germany’s attack plan for World War I
$200 Name of Germany’s attack plan for World War I

111 $200 Schlieffen Plan Scores

112 These two countries made up the Central Powers in WWI.
$400 These two countries made up the Central Powers in WWI.

113 Germany and Austria-Hungary
$400 Germany and Austria-Hungary Scores

114 $600 This U.S. president came up with a plan to help countries that resisted communism.

115 Truman/Truman Doctrine
$600 Truman/Truman Doctrine Scores

116 Name of Germany’s government immediately after WWI
$800 Name of Germany’s government immediately after WWI

117 $800 Weimar Republic Scores

118 Which two countries signed the Atlantic Charter
$1000 Which two countries signed the Atlantic Charter

119 $1000 U.S. and Britain Scores

120 Sense of pride in one’s country
$200 Sense of pride in one’s country

121 $200 Nationalism Scores

122 German attack strategy for WWII
$400 German attack strategy for WWII

123 $400 Blitzkrieg Scores

124 U.S. foreign policy after WWI
$600 U.S. foreign policy after WWI

125 $600 Isolationist Scores

126 Hitler’s answer to “Jew Problem”
$800 Hitler’s answer to “Jew Problem”

127 Genocide/Final Solution
$800 Genocide/Final Solution Scores

128 Agreement to stop fighting
$1000 Agreement to stop fighting

129 $1000 Armistice Scores

130 Final Jeopary Question
Jeopardy Battles Final Jeopary Question Scores

131 Name 2 turning points of WWII and the two countries most effected by the turning points

132 Midway, Stalingrad, Torch

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