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Cell Structure and Function

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1 Cell Structure and Function

2 What is a cell? Smallest particle or building block of life
Made up of four elements – (CHON) Majority of structure is protein Vary in size (2 micrometers to over a meter) Shape controls function Example: white blood cells destroy bacteria

3 What is Cytology? The study of the structure and
the function of cells.

4 What is the main structure of a cell?
Nucleus - contains DNA Plasma membrane - lipid bilayer barrier that separates the inside with outside environment of the cell Cytoplasm – cellular material outside the nucleus and inside the plasma membrane

5 What are organelles? Found in the cytoplasm Metabolic machinery
Different Types Endoplasmic reticulum – fluid-filled tubules that twist in cytoplasm (smooth ER vs. rough ER) Golgi apparatus – flat membranous sac that packages proteins Mitochondria – sausage-shaped that help make ATP for energy

6 What are the organelles?
Ribosomes – tiny, round proteins that allow protein synthesis Lysosomes – membrane bags that have digestive enzymes to get rid of foreign substances Peroxisomes – membranous sacs that use oxygen to get rid of harmful substances Cytoskeleton – network of protein structures that gives internal framework Centrioles – rod-shaped bodies that form the mitotic spindle during cell division

7 Cell Structure Drawing

8 Cell Structure Drawing

9 Cell Structure Drawing

10 What are the main functions of the cell?
Metabolize Digest foods Get rid of wastes Reproduce Grow Move Respond to a stimulus (irritability)

11 What are two types of membrane transport?
Passive transport – no energy is needed to transport substances through cell membrane diffusion – particles that are in random motion and move to an area where there is less particles filtration – water and solutes are forced through a membrane by fluid or hydrostatic pressure

12 What are two types of membrane transport?
Active transport – the use of ATP (energy) to move substances across the membrane solute pumping – the use of protein solute pumps to get substances across membrane (sodium-potassium pump) bulk transport – endocytosis (phagocytosis) vs. exocytosis

13 What are the types of diffusion?
Simple diffusion – no assistance is needed to get particles or solutes across the plasma membrane Osmosis – the movement of water across the plasma membrane Facilitated diffusion – proteins in the plasma membrane are needed to get certain substances (glucose) across

14 Diffusion Drawings

15 Active Transport Drawing

16 Sodium-Potassium Pump Drawings

17 Bulk Transport Drawing

18 What is cell division? Interphase – cell growth & metabolic activity
Cell division (2 parts) Mitosis – 4 phases (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase) Cytokinesis – division of the cytoplasm to make two daughter cells

19 Mitosis Diagram

20 What is protein synthesis?
Need DNA (genes) Need RNA mRNA tRNA rRNA Two Steps (2 T’s) transcription – DNA is copied into mRNA translation – mRNA is decoded to make proteins

21 Protein Synthesis Diagram

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