Prehistory & The Paleolithic Age

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Presentation on theme: "Prehistory & The Paleolithic Age"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prehistory & The Paleolithic Age

2 Essential Question How did physical geography influence the lives of early humans?

3 Prehistory Prehistory - period before writing developed.
We find out information about this time period from archaeologists and anthropologists.

4 Archaeology - study of past societies.
Dig up and examine artifacts. (tools, pottery, paintings, household items, etc.) Anthropology - study of human life and culture. Study fossils and artifacts to determine how people lived.

5 Radiocarbon dating is one method used to date artifacts and fossils.

6 Stop for Discussion Question
With a partner make a list to answer the following: What artifacts from our culture would best reflect our beliefs, values, and way of life to archaeologists and anthropologists ten thousand years from now?

7 Earliest Human Ancestors
Emerged in East Africa 3-4 million years ago! They were known as hominids.

8 Early People These people developed into Homo Sapiens - scientific name for humans. Emerged 100, ,000 years ago in East Africa. Migrated from Africa to Eurasia, Australia, and the Americas.


10 Early humans were hunters and gatherers - survival depended on availability of wild plants and animals. Depended on environment for survival.

11 Old Stone Age Also known as Paleolithic Age.
People were nomads - they traveled from place to place in search of food. Invented simple tools made of stone such as the spear. Learned to make fire.


13 Lived in clans. (group consisting of family members and close relatives)
Developed an oral language. Created “cave art”.

14 Pictograms Earliest written symbols.
Pictures which resemble what they signify.

15 Religion Cave art showed evidence of belief in spiritual world.
Animism - belief that spirits and forces may live in animals, objects, or dreams. May have believed in life after death.

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