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Protists The first Eukaryotes.

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1 Protists The first Eukaryotes

2 Origin of Eukaryotic Cells
Endomembrane system- developed from infolding of plasma membrane. Evolutionary advantage? compartmentalization, microenvironments, increased membrane surface area

3 Endosymbiotic Theory Inside together living.
Plastids and mitochondria are a result of the endocytosis of bacteria by larger cells of the lineage that become eukaryotes. All eukaryotes got mitochondria only some got chloroplasts.


5 Endosymbiotic Theory Evidence
1) C & M have their own DNA ( circular, no histones) 2) C & M have their own ribosomes (small like bacteria) 3) C & M have 2 membranes (outer like eukaryote, inner like bacteria) (homologous transport proteins) 4) C & M replicate on their own 5) Endosymbiosis observed where prey or parasites become mutualistic symbionts

6 Secondary endosymbiosis of red or green algae create chloroplasts with 4 membrane layers

7 Endosymbiotic Algae

8 Importance of Protists
Large component of photosynthetic plankton Diatoms, dinoflagellates, Many are Endosymbionts Cause human disease: Giardia (hikers diarrhea), Trichomonas (STD), Trypanosoma (sleeping sickness), plasmodium (malaria),

9 Protists = Eukaryotes that are not Plant, Animal or Fungus
1) Most are unicellular 2) None have true tissues (so not plant, animal or fungi) 4) Some animal-like(ingest food), some plant-like(photosynthetic ) some Fungus-like (saprobes) 5) Paraphyletic group so not a kingdom (share a common ancestor but does not include all the descendants of that ancestor)

10 Proposed ‘Supergroups’ of Eukaryotes

11 Brown Algae Brown pigments absorb wavelengths of light that reach deeper into the water. Largest multicellular algae Sargassum kelp 

12 Sargasso Sea

13 Algae parts…

14 Oomycotes (egg fungi) Saprobe (absorb food) parasites & decomposers
Lost chloroplasts Rusts water molds

15 Chlorophyta Green algae (chlorophyll) Most similar to plants
Unicellular …Desmids Multicellular…filamentous algae & volvox Complex life cycles

16 Red Algae Red pigments absorb wavelengths of light even deeper in the water. (green & blue) phycobilins Used to make thickeners & agar Multicellular Complex life cycles

17 amoebozoans Complex life cycles Closest to Animals and Fungi
All have pseudopods Free-living Amoeba, slime molds, & parasites Free-living & Slime molds important decomposers

18 Plasmodial Slime mold

19 Cellular Slime Molds - cAMP

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