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Aubrey, Hannah, Jordan, Kelsey

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1 Aubrey, Hannah, Jordan, Kelsey
Bay of pigs invasion Aubrey, Hannah, Jordan, Kelsey

2 Castro Assumes Power When Fidel Castro overthrew the former dictatorial president many U.S. officials became nervous because the former dictator was pro-American and was an ally to American companies. American corporations and individuals owned half of Cuba’s sugar plantations, cattle ranches, mines, and utilities. Castro wanted Cubans to take more control of their nation and reduce American influence There were many American attempts to assassinate Castro

3 Cuban Relations With the Soviet Union
May Castro developed diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union The U.S. responded by prohibiting the importation of Cuban sugar The USSR agreed to buy the sugar to prevent the Cuban economy from collapsing

4 Eisenhower to Kennedy Jan US government ended diplomatic relations with Cuba and stepped up preparations for an invasion Eisenhower ended these relations 17 days before Kennedy took office Jan President Kennedy declared Cuba a communist nation

5 Preparation for the Invasion
1960- President Eisenhower authorized the CIA to recruit Cuban exiles living in Miami and begin training them to overthrow Castro Kennedy did not want a “direct, overt” intervention in Cuba to prevent a retaliation from the Soviets as an act of war The plan was to destroy Castro’s small air force

6 The Invasion April 15, Cuban exiles took off from Nicaragua in American bombing planes painted to look like Cuban planes & conducted a strike against Cuban airfields Castro had found out and moved his planes in advance April 17, Cuban exile brigade began its invasion on the southern isolated shore known as the Bay of Pigs The invasion was a disaster: the radio station on the beach broadcast every detail to Cuban listeners, coral reefs sunk exile’s ships, and backup paratroopers landed in the wrong areas Castro’s troops pinned the invaders and the exiles surrendered after less than a day of fighting 114 killed and 1,100 taken prisoner

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