WWI Begins - 1914.

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Presentation on theme: "WWI Begins - 1914."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWI Begins

2 1. Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was assassinated
A. Gavrilo Princip – Serbian Assassin

3 2. Germany wrote Austria a “blank check” to deal with Serbia

4 3. Austria issued an ultimatum to Serbia

5 4. Serbia rejected the ultimatum – Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia

6 5. Russia mobilized their army in support of Serbia

7 6. France joined Russia

8 7. Germany declared war on Russia and France

9 Early Allies Serbia vs. Austria-Hungary Russia Germany France

10 - Major General Henry Wilson to French General Ferdinand Foch
“What is the smallest British military force that would be of any practical assistance to you?” - Major General Henry Wilson to French General Ferdinand Foch

11 “A single British soldier – and we will see to it that he is killed.”
- Gen. Ferdinand Foch


13 8. Because they are surrounded, Germany used Schlieffen Plan to attack
A. Idea was to defeat France quickly, then attack Russia B. Invaded neutral Belgium to get to France C. Britain then declared war on Germany

14 Major Alliances in WWI ALLIES vs. CENTRAL POWERS
Serbia Austria-Hungary Russia Germany France Britain WHO IS TO BLAME???




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