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14 common advertisement techniques

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1 14 common advertisement techniques
Introducing… 14 common advertisement techniques

2 “Everyone is doing it, so you should, too!”
Bandwagon “Everyone is doing it, so you should, too!” Macy’s ad Old Navy Ad

3 The use of humor to attract people to a product
The use of humor to attract people to a product. In other words, if a commercial makes you laugh, you are more likely to want the product. Humor

4 Patriotism Patriotism
This strategy links your endorsement of the product with patriotism. In other words, the subliminal message is that if you buy X you are more patriotic. Patriotism

5 Glittering Generalities
This strategy uses broad appealing words to describe the product. The hopes are that the overwhelming positive connotation of such words will draw you towards the product (ex: use of words like “equality,” “freedom,” etc. that consistently carry a positive connotation).

6 Sex Appeal
This strategy lures people with the use of love/attraction and/or beautiful people

7 Facts and Figures Commercials employing this strategy use statistics to try to prove the superiority of a product

8 Open comparisons This strategy makes a comparison of the product to a second unspecified product (ex: “works better than your average soap”—but what is the average soap?)

9 This approach emphasizes the positive attributes and minimizes the negative aspects of the product.

10 Transfer
Transfer When the feelings that people have for one subject, either positive or negative, are transferred to another issue. For example, a song people love is played with the commercial to transfer their affinity for the music to the product.

11 Snob Appeal This strategy creates an illusion that only an elite group can have the product. Accordingly, if you want to be powerful/rich/important, you should desire this product.

12 Plain Folks This strategy makes the product appear to be useful for an average person. Thus, it should be something that everyone should want.

13 Fear This advertizing strategy uses the emotion of fear to motivate people into action.

14 Testimonial In a testimonial ad, someone shares their experiences with the product. It is assumed that you will have a similar experience to the speaker if you buy the product.

15 Celebrity endorsement
This refers to the use of someone famous to attract people to a product.

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