Conjunctions and Interjections

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1 Conjunctions and Interjections
Grade Seven EQ: What are the different types of conjunctions that can be used to combine sentences?

2 What is a Conjunction? A conjunction is like glue. It helps things to stick together. A conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases, and sentences.

3 What is a Conjunction? Conjunctions join two or more words.
I went to the store to buy eggs. I went to the store to buy milk. I went to the store to buy bread. Example: I went to the store to buy eggs, milk, and bread.

4 Types of Conjunctions There are seven coordinating conjunctions: Use FANBOYS to remember for and nor but or yet so


6 What is a Conjunction? Conjunctions can join two prepositional phrases. Ex. I went skiing down the hill and past the trees.

7 Types of Conjunctions FOR
“When it is used to combine two sentences, you must put a comma before it. Ex. I ordered a pizza, for I was hungry.

8 Types of Conjunctions AND
“And” connects things that are alike or joined together. Ex. I want popcorn and pizza.

9 Types of Conjunctions NOR “Nor” is used to offer a negative choice.
Ex. I do not want popcorn nor pizza.

10 Types of Conjunctions BUT
“But” is used to connect things that are different or separated. Ex. I want popcorn but not pizza.

11 Types of Conjunctions OR “Or” is used to offer a choice.
Ex. Do I want popcorn or pizza?

12 Types of Conjunctions YET
“Yet” is used to show a change. When it is used to combine two sentences, you must put a comma before it. Ex. I want popcorn, yet I also want pizza.

13 Types of Conjunctions SO
“So” is used to show a relationship between things. When it is used to combine two sentences, you must put a comma before it. Ex. I want popcorn, so I made some.

14 PRACTICE 1. Which is bigger: a reindeer____ an elk? A however B also
C but D or

15 2. Reptiles____ amphibians do not live in the
Arctic. A and B if C because D but

16 3. It is too cold____ dry for them there.
A but B and C or D however

17 4. Female reindeer do have antlers,_____ males have much larger ones.
A anyway B if C but D or

18 Did the reindeer die of disease ____hunger?
A because B also C but D or

19 Examples of Correlative Conjunctions
Either the student or the teacher can answer the question.

20 Examples of Correlative Conjunctions
Not only do I play the flute, but I also play the clarinet.

21 What is an Interjection?
An interjection is something that interrupts a sentence. It is something that also expresses your emotions like happiness, fear, anger, or pain. Some examples of interjections are: ouch, wow, uh oh, oh no, gosh, shhhh

22 Punctuating Interjections
If an interjection is spoken calmly, simply put a comma after it and continue the sentence. Ex. Shhh, the baby is sleeping. Ex. Oh my, I dropped my pencil.

23 Punctuating Interjections
If an interjection is spoken with more emotion, it is followed by an exclamation point. The next word is then capitalized. Ex. Ouch! I just cut my finger. Ex. He scored the winning touchdown. Wow!

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