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Paul Bryant Round Table National Marketing & PR Committee.

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1 Paul Bryant Round Table National Marketing & PR Committee

2 Which Social Media? Which?

3 11,000,000 Why? UK blokes aged with Facebook accounts. Jan 2013 This is what we’ll look at first. Prospectives

4 Who?



7 What do we want to get across?
Get them to list words that sum Round Table up. Fun, Fellowship, exciting, community, etc

8 Everytime you’re thinking of what to post, try and convey one of these things. This is what we can offer, this is our story. We’ve got lots of words to get across.

9 A Picture is worth a thousand words
How? A Picture is worth a thousand words






15 Remember who you’re marketing to
We’re aiming at year olds.

16 So photos are great for telling our story
So photos are great for telling our story. They’re also good for getting more likes, comments, shares (Engagement). Click-throughs. This is one place our current website falls down on. The link preview is rubbish. Instead of a link preview, put a picture there instead.

17 (Likes, comments, shares)
More Engagement = More Exposure (Likes, comments, shares) 98% People don’t read your page after they’ve liked it. So you rely on them seeing your posts in the newsfeed. Only 15% of those that have liked your page will see your updates each time. Likes, Comments, Shares (engagement) increase that percentage. So it is important to get this engagement. Therefore we need to optimise our posts for engagement.

18 Provoke a response!

19 We’re going shooting tonight and then a curry afterwards.
Instead of: We’re going shooting tonight and then a curry afterwards. Try: We’re going shooting tonight and then a curry afterwards. Which is the best curry house in Tamworth?

20 Call To Action Call to action

21 Instead of: That’s our christmas party over with for another year. Thanks for coming along. Try: That’s our christmas party over with for another year. Thanks for coming along. Click ‘like’ if you had a good time Like if you support what we do.


23 Keep The Conversation Going
Always answer, keep the conversation going. Contests

24 When? 6.30pm-10pm is best for engagement with 25-35 year olds.
But vary it. Before 9am, lunchtime etc

25 Drive traffic to your other online presences
This is quite important, simple but effective. You’ll have a Facebook page, twitter account, a page on the Round Table website, a mailing list. Each wants to drive traffic to the others. So, your Facebook page should have a link to the your RT website, a link to twitter, and a tab to sign up for your mailing list. Your RT website pages should have links to your twitter, mailing list, and Facebook page. The newsletter should have links to all and you should tweet to drive people to all of them also. As Steve says, get people onto the website, there’s pages of stuff to build people’s interest. It’s a fantastic site that we want people to see. This way people are getting more and more immersed in your Table and, as a result, more and more engaged. Only your followers will automatically see your updates though, so if you want to engage more people, you need to extend your reach.

26 In Summary Engage Converse Innovate Use Pictures Advertise


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