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Presentation on theme: "Reconstruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconstruction

2 Words in Context! We may read text or watch videos in this unit that contain words that may be offensive to some students. The only time we will use these words is in the context of reading a primary source. Addressing another student with these terms will result in immediate disciplinary action.

3 Important Questions about Reconstruction
What reforms need to be implemented in the South to prevent another Civil War? Should the South be punished? What process should be created to bring Southern states back into the Union? What should be done with the newly freed slaves (31 million + people)?

4 Reconstruction Reconstruction era: ( ) period of forced reform in South following Civil War Purpose: - > Re-establish South’s participation in Union -> Force South to accept end of slavery ->NOT TO REBUILD SOUTH.

5 Three Phases of Reconstruction
Phase I: Southern resistance to the end of slavery

6 Death of Lincoln End of Civil War (Lee surrenders) April 9th 1865
Lincoln Assassinated April 15th 1865 Andrew Johnson becomes President Views on Reconstruction: Wanted to punish planter class Did not want equality for freed slaves.

7 Phase I 1865-1866 :13th Amendment (WRITE YOUR OWN SHORT SUMMARY)
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation

8 13th Amendment

9 Southern Reaction to the end of slavery
Use of Terrorism/Violence Ku Klux Klan forms Dec. 1865 Southern states pass Black Codes SUMMARIZE BLACK CODES IN YOUR OWN WORDS:

10 Critical Thinking Question
Can you think of any long-lasting effects of black codes?

11 Election of 1866 Radical Republicans elected in Congress
Want harsh punishment for Confederate leaders Want strong measures to protect former slaves, give suffrage to African Americans Many are African-Americans ENDS PHASE I

12 Phase II: Radical Reconstruction 1867-1873
Also called “Congressional Reconstruction”

13 Congressional Reconstruction Plan
Military Reconstruction Act of 1867: South divided into five military districts South must adopt 14th amendment

14 Scalawags Scalawags: Southerners who supported Republicans and Reconstruction Seen as corrupt


16 Economic Depression of 1873
Causes Republicans to lose popularity in South 1874: Southern Democrats regain control of South

17 Grant Administration 1869-1877 Makes Republicans seem corrupt
Restore popularity of Democrats in South

18 Compromise of 1877 Ends Phase II What are the details????
North gets-> South gets->

19 Phase III: Restoring the Old Order in the South
“Solid South”-Democrats take control of South again Jim Crow laws-legalized segregation Voting Discrimination: Literacy Test, Poll Tax Lynching: gang violence used to intimidate blacks.

20 WEB Dubois Born Massachusetts
First African American to earn PhD from Harvard Co-founded NAACP Wanted higher education for African Americans

21 Ida Wells Barnett Challenged Jim Crow (segregation) laws
Wrote against lynching in South Called Booker T. Washington’s strategy “accommodations” Worked with Dubois in Niagara Movement

22 Equal Protection Clause 14th amendment:
Plessy v Ferguson Facts: Louisiana passes law segregating railway cars Legal Question: Are segregation laws a violation of the 14th amendment (equal protections clause) Decision: Segregation legal, if accommodations are equal “Separate but equal” Equal Protection Clause 14th amendment: “nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws” ->Laws must be applied equally to everyone

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