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(What is it good for?..absolutely...?)

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Presentation on theme: "(What is it good for?..absolutely...?)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (What is it good for?..absolutely...?)

2 Where do we go ? Aims of SAPOE ( as stated on website) – are these still relevant and valid? How well are we doing at achieving these aims? Future support for OL at a national level - what role do we want to play? How can we work more efficiently? What are our next steps/action plan?

3 What are our current aims and objectives?
THE SCOTTISH ADVISORY PANEL is the forum for representatives from Local Authorities across Scotland to consider and debate best practice in the development and safe delivery of Outdoor Learning. It aims to: Support Local Authorities in the development of Outdoor Learning as part of the Curriculum for Excellence - group 1 Promote and develop consistent good practice across Scotland for off- site visits through the implementation of Going Out There - group 2 Support the provision of Adventure Activities and residential Outdoor Centres. - group 3

4 Task 1 - How well are we doing at achieving those aims?
Score it! 1-10

5 Task 2 -How relevant is the aim?
Score it, Which end of the bridge ?

6 Scores on aims and relevance
Relevance average Aims average

7 How efficiently do we travel?
Efficiency (output vs input) Suitability of vehicle Speed Momentum

8 Working more efficiently
Barriers & Benefits? What's not working ? What is working?

9 SAPOE future support at National level
What role can SAPOE play? How can we provide leadership

10 Where now ?

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