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AP Human Geography Theoretical Model Review

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1 AP Human Geography Theoretical Model Review
Mr. Stepek

2 Unit 4: Political Geography and the Organization of Space

3 Political Morphology Understand: nationalism
territoriality, sovereignty relationship between ethnicity and states i.e. multinational state, multiethnic state, enclave, stateless nation etc. Irredentism Centripetal and centrifugal forces?

4 Boundaries

5 UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seas)

6 Supranationalism

7 Where’s the power? Forms of Government
Understand devolution, balkanization, balkanized The end of the Cold War and its impact on states USSR, Yugoslavia, expansion of NATO, EU

8 Gerrymandering

9 Geopolitics: Organic state theory (German School)
Ratzel States are living organisms whose strength comes from territory Insert a picture of one of the geographic features of your country.

10 Heartland Theory (British/American School)
Mackinder who rules E. Europe rules the Heartland “pivot area” rules the world island rules the world Opposed by Mahan “sea power” Spykman Rimland shatterbelt Insert a picture of one of the geographic features of your country.

11 Political Sample FRQ #1

12 Political FRQ Sample #1 Rubric

13 Political FRQ Sample #1 Rubric

14 Political FRQ Sample #2

15 Political FRQ Sample #2 Rubric

16 Political FRQ Sample #2 Rubric

17 Political FRQ Sample #2 Rubric

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