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Code Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green

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1 Code Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green
Emergency Procedures Code Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green

2 Code Red When there is a Code Red, it means Stop/Stay.
It will be a complete school lock down. We will remain in the building. Students move to a safe area away from windows and doors. Remain Silent and wait for instructions.

3 Code Yellow When there is a Code Yellow, it means Caution/Alert.
There could be a possible crisis situation in neighboring areas. No one is to be in the hallway for any reason! Class will continue to be in session but in an alert status.

4 Code Green When there is a Code Green, it means GO!
Evacuate the building to assigned areas. Students and staff must be at least 500 feet from the building. Students: Gather personal items – Book bags, notebooks, jackets etc. Be prepared to not go back into the building.

5 Code Blue When there is a Code Blue, it indicates a BOMB THREAT. The building will be evacuated immediately. Students and staff should be at least 1000 feet away from the building. Students: gather personal items – book bags, notebooks, jackets etc. Be prepared to not go back into the building.

6 Code Blue (cont.) In a Code Blue, it will be a silent evacuation.
When evacuating, do not slam doors. When evacuating, do not use any electrical equipment such as computers, telephones, cellphones, intercom, or walkie-talkies. Can anyone tell me why we do not use any electrical equipment?

7 Fire/Evacuation In case of a Fire, stand up and stay behind your desks and wait for further instruction. After the teacher’s signal, quickly and calmly exit the room and line up against the wall in the hall. Listen for the teacher’s instructions. We will exit the building using the middle hallway and we will form a line in the grass past the flagpole out front.

8 Tornado Procedures Tornado Watch: Means no funnel clouds have been sighted or if sighted, have not touched the ground. Tornados are to be expected (conditions are favorable). The main thing during a tornado watch is to be prepared to go to your designated areas.

9 Tornado Procedures (cont.)
Tornado Warning: Mean=s a funnel cloud has been sighted and if not sighted, a funnel cloud has touched the ground in the surrounding area. We will use the middle stairway and go down stairs to rooms C 108, C 109, or C 110. Remain silent so we can here vital announcements. Once we reach our room, assume the duck and cover position.

10 Tornado Lunchroom If we are in the lunch room, follow normal tornado procedures and listen to your teacher so you know where to go. My class will exit the lunchroom by door # 4 to room C114. Once we are in our room, assume the duck and cover position.

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