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Developmental Theorists

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1 Developmental Theorists
By: Emily Foster, Jordan Batliner

2 Stages Of Prenatal Development
Zygote-last about two weeks and consists of rapid cell division and cell differentiation. Embryo-last about six weeks, heart begins to beat and the organs begin to develop. Fetus- starts nine weeks in development, in the 6 month the stomach and other organs have formed and enough to survive outside.

3 Freud's Psychosexual stages
Oral- 0 to 2 years old. They seek pleasure through their mouths. Anal- 2 to 4 years. Happens during toilet training. Focused on controlling and expelling waste. Phallic- 4 to 7 years old. They recognize their gender. Oedipus and Electra complex Latency- 7 to 11 years. Everything is hidden. Genital- 12 years to death. All about sex.

4 Piaget’s Cognitive stages.
Sensorimotor- experiencing the world through senses and actions. ( object permanence, stranger anxiety.) Preoperational- representing things with words and images (pretend play, language development) Concrete Operational- thinking logically about concrete events ( conservation, mathematical transformations) Formal operational- abstract reasoning.

5 Ainsworth Attachment Stages
Secure- leads to positive self-concept Anxious Avoidant- avoids the parent when trying to console child. Anxious Ambivalent- show anger to parent when try to console.

6 Kohlberg's Moral Stages
Pre-conventional- obedience and punishment, instrumental relativist Conventional- good boy/ Nice Girl and low and order Post-conventional- Social Contract universal ethics principal

7 Kubler-Ross Grief Stages
Denial- you don’t believe it. Anger- you are mad at everyone. Bargaining- you bargain with everyone. To see you can come up with a different way. Depression- you become sad and distant from a lot of family and friends. Acceptance- you accept it’s a part of life.

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