Write these important dates in your agenda:

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Presentation on theme: "Write these important dates in your agenda:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Write these important dates in your agenda:
03/23/2017 Thur. (03/23) – Report Card Distribution Figurative Language Storymap Due Fri. (03/24) – Brain Buck Redemption Tues. (03/28) – Monster Math Night 6:00-8:00 Fri. (03/31) – Civil Rights Museum Field Trip Biblionasium Book Review Due If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE

2 Language Arts Opening Session 03/23/17
Schoolwide Writing Assessment - Grading If you are submitting your I.A.N. late, be sure to hand it to me directly. Your figurative language storymap is due today! Review both sides of the blue rubric. Read ALL PARTS! In your group, decide which paper would earn which scores and justify your answers.

3 Language Arts – Work Session 03/23/17
REMINDERS The following items are DUE TODAY: Figurative Language Storymap The following items are PAST DUE: I.A.N. Check Upcoming items: Figurative Language Storybook – Mon. (03/27) Biblionasium Book Review – Fri. (03/31)

4 Language Arts – Work Session 03/23/17
Schoolwide Writing Assessment - Grading You will score two separate papers. Once you have provided their scores on both sides of the rubric, place the rubric inside of the test booklet. Answer both sides of the blue rubric. Answer ALL PARTS! If you finish early, complete your Figurative Language Storybook (Due Mon. 03/27/17).

5 Language Arts – Work Session 03/23/17
Essential Question: How can I adequately prepare for the Georgia Milestones? Standard: ELACC6RI1 – Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

6 Language Arts – Closing Session 03/23/17
Schoolwide Writing Assessment - Grading You will score two separate papers. Once you have provided their scores on the research sides of the rubric, place the rubric inside of the test booklet. Answer both categories of the blue rubric on the research side. The highest score possible is a 7. If you finish early, complete your Figurative Language Storybook (Due Mon. 03/27/17).

7 Language Arts – Closing Session 03/23/17
Schoolwide Writing Assessment - Grading Step 1: Read the directions and prompt on pages 4-6. Step 2: Read the student’s answer. Step 3: Score the student using both categories on the research side of the rubric. Step 4: Write the student’s total score at the bottom of the paper and circle it. (The highest score they can earn is a 7.)

8 Math Day – Factors are Great!
S.T.E.A.M.– E.L.T /23/17 Math Day – Factors are Great! Due TODAY – “Factors are Great” Due Tuesday – “Ordering Numbers”

9 S.T.E.A.M.– E.L.T. 03/22/17 STEAM Day – Marble Run
Problem: You need to create a “track/run” for your marble to travel. Your goal is to get the marble to take the longest time possible to travel. Don’t forget to complete your packet as you go! Remember to use the RACES strategy! Materials: Cardboard/cardboard tubes Tape Marble You will not receive building materials until these pages are complete. Due TOMORROW – “Factors Are Great” Due FRIDAY – Marble Run – project & packet

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