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An Uncertain Peace.

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1 An Uncertain Peace

2 Enforcing the Treaty of Versailles
France attempted to enforce the Versailles settlement vigorously Proved very difficult Many in Europe preferred to rely on the new League of Nations for collective security The League lacked enforcement mechanism as well key membership

3 Countries not in the League
Germany The Soviet Union The United States

4 France turned to the less satisfactory alternative of allying with new Eastern European democracies
Formed a Little Entente with Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Romania

5 Democracy in Eastern Europe
Short lived trend toward democracy after World War I Women earned the right to vote Labor unions gained power Governments enacted social legislation Some countries experienced democracy for the first time

6 Conservative interests opposed the new democracies
Extreme socialists worked to overthrow them Land reform, which was a great social change, failed to solve the problem of underdevelopment New democracies lacked the integrated economies they had experienced as part of former empires

7 The Weimar Republic Began with 2 strikes against it
Faced a myriad of economic and social problems Many influential Germans opposed the new government as a weak substitute for imperial Germany Extremist groups attempted to overthrow the government

8 Two parties helped found the republic and draw up its constitution – the Social Democratic Party and the Catholic Center Party Both wished to avoid communist and rightist takeovers In 1919, the Spartacists attempted to overthrow the Berlin city government Captured and executed

9 In 1920, the Freikorps attempted a coup d’etat known as the Kapp Putsch
Intervention by the working class saved the republic

10 Delegates to the Reichstag were chosen by proportional representation
The system made it difficult to establish majority government and easier for extreme views to gain a political voice In times of imminent danger, the president of the republic could suspend parliamentary rule

11 Most damaging to the Weimar Republic was its association with the Versailles settlement
Germans viewed it as a dictated peace Myth said that the Germans were on the verge of winning WWI when it was stabbed in the back by those who wished to establish a republic in Germany Right wing groups used the Weimar as the scapegoat for the country’s problems

12 Reparations, the Ruhr and Hyperinflation
In 1923, the Weimar Republic fell behind on its reparation payments France invaded the Ruhr Valley to get payment in the form of coal and steel Weimar leaders encouraged passive resistance by workers in the area

13 The Weimar Republic would pay the workers benefits and wages in paper money
By November 1923, the German mark had plummeted to catastrophic levels $1 = 4 trillion marks Middle class pensions, savings, insurance policies and interest income had become worthless

14 Confidence in the Weimar Republic plunged
Adolph Hitler and his Nazi Party attempted to overthrow the Bavarian government in the Beer Hall putsch The coup failed Hitler was sentenced to 5 years

15 Great Britain and the US criticized France for invading the Ruhr
The US intervened economically Extended loans to Germany and rescheduled reparation payments in exchange for French withdrawal from the Ruhr Short lived economic revival in Germany Spirit of French and German cooperation

16 The Spirit of Locarno From 1924 to 1929 produced optimistic hopes of peace and prosperity Moderate leaders were dedicated to resolving disputes through negotiation and diplomacy Gustav Streseman and Aristide Briand engineered the Locarno Pact

17 Germany recognized its borders as permanent
Agreed to revise its eastern borders Germany was allowed into the League of Nations The Kellogg-Brian Pact was signed in 1928 which 65 nations signed that war was not an instrument of international politics

18 The League of Nations lacked the means to enforce its decisions
Collective security proved informal and not binding on any nation

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