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August 21st, 2012 Deep Thought Question

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1 August 21st, 2012 Deep Thought Question
How would your life be different without the Internet? When finished, find someone you don’t know and… 1) Get their name 2) Their favorite restaurant

2 Colorado law states that a man cannot marry his wife’s grandmother.
Random Fact of the Day Colorado law states that a man cannot marry his wife’s grandmother.

3 August 20th, 2012 Bellringer Question
TURN IN YOUR WRITING ASSIGNMENT TO THE FRONT BOX. Find someone in this class you DO NOT know. Ask them three things… What is their name? What is their favorite TV show? What is one thing that this person think teachers/students should do more of to help creativity in schools? (think about homework)

4 Statistically, you are more likely to be killed by a cow than a shark.
Random Fact of the Day Statistically, you are more likely to be killed by a cow than a shark.

5 Life in the Middle Ages


7 Reading and Group Notes Activity
You will be split into groups of four to five and be assigned an aspect of life in the Middle Ages You will summarize three main points from a reading concerning the issue…write those on your page AND send one person to the board to write those in the appropriate section Write at least one note for the other sections, and use your notes to write a three-paragraph about Life in the Middle Ages.

8 World Civ – Tuesday 8/19/14 Video Clip
What does the video clip say about the attitudes of people and the physical environment during the spread of the Black Plague? Writing Assignment Pre-Renaissance Notes

9 The Beginnings of the Renaissance

10 Life in Europe – Not Too Good!
During the Middle Ages, Europe suffered from both war and the plague This limited the spread of knowledge and creativity throughout the continent Most documents were written in Latin, which few common people could read

11 Coming Out of the Darkness
Those who survived these rough times wanted to celebrate life, and they began to question institutions These institutions, such as the Catholic Church, had failed to protect the people during tough times

12 Boom Goes the Dynamite The result was an explosion of new ideas and creativity known as the RENAISSANCE, which means rebirth The leaders and movers of this movement wanted to revive the traditions of ancient Greece and Rome Renaissance –

13 Printing Press Triggers Learning
Johannes Gutenberg invents printing press in 1440, which allows for a quick and cheap option to print materials rather than by hand Benefits Learning and knowledge spreads like wildfire Printed books are now available to most people Books can be printed in the vernacular Increase in school construction across Europe

14 A model of a Gutenberg printing press


16 Learning Stations Activity
There are four stations around the room, all dealing with the origins of the RENAISSANCE You will have EIGHT minutes at each station to examine the documents and answer the questions on your handout A few questions ask for you to research definitions…you can use a purple book from the back OR look it up on your phone if possible

17 Exit Questions What kind of person represented the ideal of the “Renaissance man”? a. someone who enjoyed worldly pleasures b. someone who excelled in many areas of study c. someone who specialized in a particular field of study d. someone who supported and appreciated the arts without creating art In your own words, define the term humanism.

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