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11th Grade English FYI.

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Presentation on theme: "11th Grade English FYI."— Presentation transcript:

1 11th Grade English FYI

2 Things we will do in class
-Read a bunch and write a bunch (obviously)

3 Materials for class -Notebook -Loose leaf paper. -Pen and pencil
-Binder ---Notes in notebook, ALWAYS date and title. The more accessible your notebook is, the higher your grade will probably be. -Keep it here unless you need your notes. (Which you probably will at some point) -Turn in your notebook for notebook checks.

4 Vocab! Vocab! Vocab! -We will learn 5 new words per week
-On Monday we will pick a theme for a story -On Friday you will turn in an original story in which you correctly use all 5 words. (back of notebook)

5 Motivational Monday -We will read/watch a short something to get us motivated for the new week. (poem, news story/article, etc.) -You will write your reactions to these in your notebook

6 Outside Reading! -You will read 4 young adult novels this year! (outside of class reading) -Read something you haven’t previously read, or read a book from a genre you have never explored -When you decide on a book, you will sign up with me -We will do a short report and project on these to be presented to a group.

7 Some of the Literature we will explore:
-A beautifully written novel about the decadence of the “Roarin’ Twenties” -A cautionary tale about the American Dream -Murder, rich people, poor people, scandal, recklessness, boot-legging! -It’s a crazy ride that I hope you’ll enjoy. (:

8 -Hamlet, the brilliant but tormented Prince of Denmark encounters evidence that his uncle murdered his father -Hamlet must then decide when, how and possibly if he will avenge his father’s death - Hamlet embarks on a swift downward spiral in which he will question his own sanity and must find out who he can trust and who is an enemy–before it’s too late. -Swordfights, treachery, love, murder, intrigue...Just another normal day in Denmark.

9 -A French Historical novel by Victor Hugo
-First published in 1862 -Considered one of the greatest novels of the 19th century -Outlines the struggles of the people of France around the June Rebellion in paris -The novel describes the lives and relationships of several characters, particularly the struggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean and his experience of redemption. Forgiveness, Rebellion, Love, Death, (Ms. Pezzella always cries at the end...but really, I will.)

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