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Networks for Training & Development May 17, 2018

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1 Networks for Training & Development May 17, 2018
Leadership Development: The Key to Organizational Sustainability and Growth Networks for Training & Development May 17, 2018

2 Think of someone who you consider to be an effective leader
Think of someone who you consider to be an effective leader. Write the name down. Write 3 qualities about that person which enabled him or her to be a strong leader.

3 What is Leadership? Your first and foremost job as a leader is to take charge of your own energy and then help to orchestrate the energy of those around you. Leadership is lifting a person's vision to higher sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations. Peter Drucker

4 What is Leadership? The art of getting someone else to do something you want done because they want to do it. Dwight D. Eisenhower

5 What Capabilities are Necessary for Leaders in Your Organization?

6 Right People in the Right Seats
Right People are the ones who consistently exhibit the organization’s Core Values What is a Core Value? Why are they important in leadership development? Identify up to 5 Core Values for your organization.

7 Identifying the Right People

8 Who Exhibits Both Your Organization’s: - Key leadership characteristics - Core values

9 The Function of a Leader
Getting Results!

10 A (S+K+T) + Goals = PBC IR
Success Formula A (S+K+T) + Goals = PBC IR IR – Improved Results PBC – Positive Behavior Change S – Skills K – Knowledge T – Talents A – Attitude

11 Leadership Development Elements
Leadership Skill Development Attitude Development Organizational Alignment

12 Leadership Skill Development
What does a commander do? - General Norman Schwarzkopf’s “Big 5” Make sure my division is ready Take care of the soldiers Take care of the soldiers’ families Loyalty to one another motivates I have a responsibility to teach

13 Leadership Skill Development
Graph showing the intersection between People Skills and Technical Skills in Leadership Development People Skills Higher 90% Leadership Level Graph showing the intersection between People Skills and Technical Skills in Leadership Development Lower Technical Skills

14 Leadership Skill Development
Set goals for people rather than tell them what to do ….. Require them to develop their own approach to doing a new job Be available for support, but don’t micro-manage and make decisions for them Many small steps is preferable to a big jump in responsibility Let someone fail or at least struggle to figure things out More effective learning

15 Leadership Skill Development
For one of the people selected earlier, identify concrete actions that can be taken to further develop their Leadership Skills

16 Leadership Development Elements
Leadership Skill Development Attitude Development Organizational Alignment

17 Attitude Development ATTITUDES



20 Choosing One’s Attitude
I enjoy meeting new people! I am a patient parent. I always keep my commitments I enjoy meeting new people! I am a patient parent. I always keep my commitments.

21 Positive Attitude Development
Step 1: Recognize that attitudes are Habits of Thought. And the attitudes that are currently held give some level of satisfaction. Step 2: Determine the satisfaction derived from that attitude or habit. Step 3: Replace old attitude with a new one.

22 What Attitudes Must Change for Your Organization to Progress?
- Across the organization - With specific individuals

23 Leadership Development Elements
Leadership Skill Development Attitude Development Organizational Alignment

24 Organizational Alignment
Org. Goal Org. Goal Org. Goal Org. Goal Org.. Goal Org. Goal Org.. Goal Org. Goal Org. Goal Org.. Goal Org. Goal Org. Goal Org. Goal Org. Goal Org. Goal

25 Organizational Alignment
Vision & Values Mission Critical Goal Category Organizational Goals Vision & Values Mission Critical Goal Category Org. Goal Org. Goal Org. Goal

26 Does Your Organization Have an Actionable Strategic Plan?
Is Leadership Development Addressed?

27 Leadership Development Observations
When do you promote people (title / pay increase)? They’ve shown some potential? They’re already functioning at the next level? At their review time? When a position opens? Invest your “people development time”: With the highest potential individuals Not with your management challenges

28 Leadership Development Observations
Leadership development takes time People do not develop linearly. Expect “step function” changes Not everyone will fulfill their potential (or your expectations)

29 In Conclusion Leadership capabilities are situation (organization) specific and can be developed Values alignment is critical to leadership development Focus on people skill development rather than technical skill development Clear direction and goals facilitates effective leadership …. Leadership development should be in an effective strategic plan Be prepared for slower progress than you want …. But slow progress is better than no progress

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